Chapter 10

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Sarah woke the next morning to find the others up and breakfasting.

"C'mon sleepyhead" Em winked at her "won't be any left if you don't hurry up."

Sarah struggled out of her covers and joined the others at the fire. Something smells good.

"Geoffrey was kind enough to share some of his food."

"Oh Yum," Sarah said as she was handed a plate of fried eggs and bacon.

"Yes, yes well a farmer was kind enough to give me the freshly laid eggs for doing a few chores, so I figured since you were kind enough to share your food, it was the least I could do.' he smiled.

'Now, about that tunnel collapse" Julian started.

"Oh, I can show you where it is."

"Won't that take you out of your way?" Sarah enquired.

"A little, but I don't mind – I'm enjoying the company." He grinned at the girls "Besides, I need to make sure Julian is taking care of you, don't I?" Sarah smiled as he gave her a conspiratorial wink.

They packed up their few belongings, clamped their lamps onto their heads and headed back out into the tunnels.

Geoffrey led the way, lighting the brackets as required. Nobody spoke, concentrating instead on where they were walking. The path was worn and slippery in parts – it would be too easy to slip, and no one wanted an injury.

Sarah stumbled on some loose pebbles and Julian grabbed her arm to steady her. "Thank you." She gave him an appreciative smile. 

 After walking for about an hour, they finally came upon one of the tunnels that's entrance had collapsed.

Geoffrey pointed it out – "See what I mean?"

That's okay" Julian replied "It's not the way I intended to go anyway."

Emerald reached into her rucksack and pulled out her flask. Wiping perspiration from her brow, she took a sip of the water before passing it to Sarah.

"Thanks – it gets rather hot down here."

"Thermal springs" Geoffrey murmured, "The steam keeps the tunnels warm, although a bit damp."

They continued on – Sarah could feel her legs beginning to tighten – how much longer she wondered.

They came to another opening. Julian went through and lit the lamps on the other side. "Funny," he said more to himself that anyone else "I don't remember this tunnel being here before."

"Really" Geoffrey looked at him "Maybe when the other tunnels collapsed, this one opened up."

"That's a bit doubtful isn't it."

"Not really- these tunnels have existed for hundreds, possibly thousands of years. This one may have been blocked when last you were here – the recent collapses may have helped to open this one up."

"Well" Julian said, "I don't know where this leads, so....."

"Was that a draft of cold air I felt?" Emerald suddenly asked

Julian looked at her and then looked at the flames of the lamps. At times they danced around wildly, as if being blown by the wind.

"Yes" Sarah said "I can feel it too."

"Well," Julian said "I don't know where this leads, but if that is cool air we can feel, it may lead to another opening." He looked at his companions "Should we go take a look?"

Sarah's eyes met Em's – she would leave it to her friend to make this decision – your choice  she whispered inside her friends head.

Em looked at Geoffrey – "What do you think?"

"Well, if you must go to Peak Ridge this may well get you there. But I'm thinking I might go with you, just in case."

"Just in case" Sarah looked at him "Is it really so dangerous?"

"One never knows my dear, one never knows."

So the decision was made and they began their way along the new tunnel.

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