Chapter 32

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"Geoffrey is waiting for you in the garden" Julia informed them as they helped clear the lunch dishes.

"Thanks Julia" Sarah said as she left to retrieve her sword and dagger from her room. She joined Emerald and Geoffrey in the garden only a few minutes later.

As she walked across the newly trimmed lawn, she was surprised to see a figure approach from the back gate.

"Afternoon all."

"Well hello stranger; haven't seen you for a while."

Julian laughed "Oh well, Hank has been keeping me busy."

"Too busy to visit us?" Emerald asked.

Julian shrugged "Yeah, the Inn has been quite busy of late and he needed me to look after the stables for him."

"I hope he's paying you" Geoffrey smiled.

"He is, and Martha is making sure I am extremely well fed" he said with a smirk as he patted his stomach.

Emerald grinned "Well, you had better help me train then so we can get rid of some of that flab."

"Hey!" he went to hit her on the arm and she laughed as she dashed out of his way.

Sarah couldn't help but smile before she turned her attention to Geoffrey who was holding out a blue crystal to her.

"What's this for?"

"Because you have an affinity for water, I would like you to attach this crystal to the end for your sword before we commence training."

"And this will help how?"

Emerald interrupted "Remember how we discussed the different coloured crystals?"

Sarah nodded "Blue is water?"

"That's correct and by attaching that crystal to your sword, I'm hoping it will help you reach your magic when we practice," Geoffrey said quietly.

"Cool" Sarah replied. She took the proffered crystal and discovering there was actually a slop for the crystal in the handle, placed it inside. She heard a click and was surprised to see that the crystal was now hidden behind the metal of the handle.

"I guess I shouldn't be so surprised" she mumbled to herself as she began to swing the sword slowly in her hands.

"I suggest you head over there" Geoffrey pointed to a spot in the garden that was furthest away from the garden beds "I don't think Julia would be too happy if you accidentally cut down any of her precious rose bushes."

"No I would not" they heard Julia say as she joined them. She headed towards the garden bench so she could sit and watch the proceedings.

"You're going to watch?" Sarah asked nervously.

"Don't you want me to?" Sarah could have sworn that she saw Julia's lips twitch.

"No, no that's fine," she looked nervously towards Emerald before turning back to Geoffrey and took up the stance that Emerald had shown her previously.

Clasping the sword tightly she looked at Geoffrey for instructions.

"Okay Sarah, close your eyes and clear your mind of everything except the feel of the sword in your hands."

Sarah nodded and did as he asked. The hilt of the sword felt warm in her hands as she moved the sword around gently. She moved her feet as she pretended to attack an opponent, swinging the sword out and around her body. Getting in to a rhythm, she swung the sword above her head before bringing it back down.

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