Chapter 7

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The path gradually began to widen the closer they got to the town. Emerald shook her head - "I would have thought we would have met somebody by now, this is very strange."

Sarah looked down at the well-worn path, weeds had begun to take over what used to be a smooth track – no one had used this for ages.

As they approached a bend, Sarah thought she heard someone softly whistling.

She tapped her friends arm "Did you hear that?"

Em nodded and put a finger to her lips, before pointing to a large bush on the side of the road. They quickly ducked behind it just as a young man came into view. Tall and slender with a shock of blonde hair, he couldn't have been much older than Sarah. A rucksack was thrown over his shoulder and he walked with a slight swagger.

As he passed the bush behind which they were hiding he suddenly stopped. "I did see you, you know. You'll need to be a bit quicker next time."

The girls warily moved out from behind the bush.

"I don't bite" he gave them what he thought was one of his most charming of smiles.

Sarah found herself staring into a pair of twinkling blue eyes and she found herself smiling back at him. He was actually quite cute, for a boy that is.

"I'm Julian" he held out his hand

"Sarah," she took his outstretched hand "and this is Emerald."

Emerald shook his hand.

"Now, what brings you to this part of the woods? This is a dangerous part of the road for you to travel."

"Dangerous, why?"

"You do not know".

"No, we don't, why is it so dangerous?"

"About 5 years ago Nicholas Gerinosky came into power." Sarah heard her friend's slight intake of breath


Julian turned to Emerald, "Yes, you have heard of him then?"

"I have."

"Well, he came into power, took over from the old Mayor" he tapped the side of his nose "some said the votes were rigged.  At first he was great; he listened to what the townspeople suggested and made decisions based on their views, but then something changed.  He suddenly decided that he didn't like the way things were  being done in Peak Ridge and took it upon himself to change a few things.  He basically decided to to away with the ways of old - wants to modernise everything and then, of course, he allowed someone to transport to and dump their waste products in Pointed Valley. I take it that you have seen the destruction?"

When both girls nodded, he continued, "At first everything was going well, he used the money he made to upgrade the towns services, running water etc, but then that town water turned bad as a result of the rubbish being dumped in the valley. Unfortunately nobody realised until it was too late – and then the people began to change. Not outwardly, they still look the same, but inside they are not the same easygoing people they once were. They no longer welcome strangers and if you were to continue on to the town, I don't know what they would do to you. No one comes this way anymore, not if they value their life."

"So why are you here?" Sarah suddenly asked, "If it's so dangerous and all."

Julian smiled "I like to take risks, and I am hoping that it is the shortest way to my destination."

"And where is it that you wish to go?"

"The new world."

"Huh?" Sarah looked puzzled "There is a place called the new world?"

"No silly, the new world, the other world, whatever you want to call it. I don't like living here any more, it just isn't the same.  The King has changed and the world has changed – such a shame really, it was such a nice place to live." Julian sighed, "So I wish to leave, no law against it but I don't know how to find the new world" – he gave Emerald a hard look "Do you?"

Emerald shook her head "No, of course not, I've never even heard of this new world."

He shrugged his shoulders "No, I guess most people haven't or if they have they think it only legend." He smiled at Sarah "So where are you from?"

"Farmsworth," Emerald interjected before Sarah had a chance to say anything

"You're a long way from home then – I've heard it is a very beautiful place."

Sarah nodded "I think so."

Emerald smiled at her friend, thank god she could think on her feet.

"Well we must be on our way." Emerald grabbed Sarah's arm "It was nice meeting you and I hope you find your new world."

"I wouldn't be going that way if I were you. Seriously, it is too dangerous."

"But I need to go that way. We can't go through the forest and this is the only road."

"Come with me." Julian invited "I know another way and whilst I am keen to find the new world, a few more days is neither here nor there." He smiled at Sarah "Besides, it's nice to be able to have a conversation with someone other than myself."

Sarah found herself warming to this stranger, she looked over at her friend who looked decidedly uneasy "It mightn't be such a bad idea Em, I don't like the idea of walking into danger and if Julian knows another way.......?" She left the rest unsaid. Sarah knew she shouldn't try to influence her, but her instinct told her to trust Julian. She waited for an answer.

Emerald looked from Sarah to Julian and back again – she was in a dilemma. She didn't feel she could really trust the boy, but then again if there was danger ahead and he knew a way around it..... It wouldn't be fair on Sarah, after all she hadn't asked to be involved in this.

"Very well, we'll try your way."

"Fantastic" Julian slapped Sarah on the back "Come on then, let's be off."

He slung his rucksack over his shoulder and headed off down the path the way they had just come.

"I hope I'm not going to regret this." Sarah heard Em's voice in her head

Sarah shook her head "Something tells me this is the right thing to do." She shrugged her shoulders "Though I don't know why."

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