Chapter 12

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After snacking on some sort of dried oatcake that Geoffrey had given her, Sarah looked out at the sea beyond. It was so big, how on earth were they going to cross it.

As if hearing her thoughts Geoffrey spoke up.

"If you look up there", he pointed at the cliff face, "you can see where other travellers before us have climbed."

Sure enough, Sarah could just make out indentations in the rock face, deep enough for a handhold.

"Do you think you can climb that?"

Sarah nodded - "I think so, doesn't look that difficult."

"Good, well let's climb up now and then we can work out how we are going to get across.  We won't need to cross the water Sarah, just the beach."

It wasn't a particularly difficult climb, more nerve wracking than anything else, Sarah had no desire to fall and took great care in choosing where to put her hands. Both Emerald and Julian were quite nimble in their movements and Sarah was quite envious at how easy they made it look.

Geoffrey came up last and stood at the top surveying the area. "This is a good place to set up camp. I suggest you rest now so you'll have lots of energy for when we cross the beach."

"Geoffrey, why is the water a different colour over there?" Sarah pointed to where the water was a much darker blue.

"That is fresh water - no acid in that."

"That is so strange, I just don't get it."

"When the Cordites blocked the waterways, they caused a rift in the land. I think also, that whatever substance is being dumped in the forest has also had an effect. We have never had acid water before though, something has gone terribly wrong."

The sea that was healthy was a stunning blue, whereas the other was a horrible dark brown colour with waves tinged with a burnt orange.

Emerald's face was sad as she stood next to Sarah. "It's horrible isn't it, so much has changed since I was here, and not for the better."

Sarah squeezed her arm, even though she hadn't know her for long, not counting the time she had spent in her room as a doll of course, she felt really close to her and knew that they were fast becoming close friends.

"I'm sorry Em, not sure what else I can say. It must be a lot for you to take in."

The taller girl nodded and sighed before turning away, "Let's see if we can help set up camp."

The grassed area that they were setting up camp on wasn't large and the problem was that some of the acidic water had killed a lot of the grass.  Small puddles of water dotted the cliff top and they had to be careful not to tread in it.

They unrolled the sleeping bags that they had found in the tunnels on a small patch of grass that hadn't been affected, before moving over to where Geoffrey was cooking some more bacon. Julian handed him a package of sausages to add to the pan before sitting down next to Emerald.

"I'm sorry."

Em turned to look at him "Why?"

"For bringing you this way. I had no idea that the tunnels were damaged - and this" he gestured at the sea "acid water is just crazy."

"Not your fault" Sarah interrupted "from what Geoffrey said the tunnels collapsing are fairly recent. This acid water is really weird though, it's like someones dropped an atomic bomb."

"Pardon?" Simon looked confused, whilst Emerald shook her head.

"Atom...oh sorry, you wouldn't, umm, just something someone told me once." Sarah looked away.

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