Chapter 2

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Sarah looked at the beach in the distance. Walking quickly and so as not to attract the other man's attention, she crossed the road, ducking between the oncoming cars, to the other side.

Faster Sarah, you must go faster.

Sarah picked up the pace, vaulted the stone wall and landed, her shoes crunching on the crisp white sand. She looked over her shoulder to see where the men were – they were nowhere to be seen.

How strange. Where are they?

She turned to look at the sea, not down there, just a couple of big black dogs frolicking near the water. As she looked at the dogs, Sarah felt a cold shiver down her spine. Where were their owners? Dogs weren't allowed on this beach by themselves.

Oh dear, she might have had a chance at out running the men, but not those dogs.

Quickly Sarah, run into the water.

What? Why?

Trust me, we need to go into the sea.

But it's freezing.

No buts Sarah, into the water now! Quickly, they are coming.

Sarah looked over at the dogs and saw them sprinting towards her.

Oh Christ – she ran down to the water's edge – do I really have to?


She plunged into the water – god it was cold. What the hell are you doing to me?

Saving your life. Quickly Sarah, throw me into the water.


Now Sarah, there is no time to lose.

Not knowing why, Sarah did as she was asked and threw the doll in to the sea.

There was a flash of light and a warm wind blew her hair back from her face.

She shielded her eyes from the bright light and looked over at where she had thrown the doll.

"Quickly Sarah, this way". This time the voice was no longer in her head. Startled, Sarah could dimly see a figure in the distance beckoning her.

She waded through the water until she reached what appeared to be a sandbank and a set of stairs leading down, beneath the water.

Not having time to take it all in, she could hear the dogs splashing in the water behind her, she picked up the pace and ran down the steps.

Wow – the water had parted and the sea walls were like glass, only she could put her fingers through it, she hurried to where the dim figure awaited her.

"Quickly Sarah, through here."

She followed the ghostly figure into a dark cave and was surprised to see a magnificent door of bronze, a large key in its lock.

"You must turn the key Sarah, I cannot do it."

Sarah looked at the ghostly figure and decided to do as it asked. She reached over and began to turn the key. It was stiff and heavy and it took all her strength to move it. Hearing the dogs approaching, she began to panic.

"You can do it Sarah", the ghostly figures voice was calming.

She tried again to turn the key, slowly, oh so slowly it began to turn.  Finally they heard the lock click and the heavy door swung open.  They dashed through as the dogs leapt from behind and quickly closed the door behind them.  Sarah heard the thump as the dogs crashed in to the door on the other side.

She heaved a sigh of relief as a voice told her she was safe.  Thank god. She felt her knees buckle and she slid to the floor.

"I guess I should introduce myself."

"Huh" startled Sarah looked up into piercing green eyes. "Who are you?"

"Well, as I was saying, I should introduce myself. You only know me as Emerald, but my full name is Emerald de Cresinollie, and I owe you my life."


"Back there, if you hadn't taken me with you, well I can only imagine what would have happened to me. You probably saved my life and I will be forever indebted to you."

Sarah's head was abuzz. What on earth was this girl going on about? "Forever indebted to you" who spoke like that?  She looked at her companions face. Brilliant green eyes, perfect features, long dark hair, Sarah gasped. She had seen this girl before, only she wasn't a girl. "My, my doll", Sarah stammered, "you can't be."

Emerald nodded "I know it is hard to believe."

"But, but how?"

"A long time ago I was sent to your world to hide, only I would have been found too easily if I had remained in my current form, so my protectors decided to change me so that I looked like a doll."


"Oh, I had to drink this awful tasting potion", Emmy shivered in disgust at the memory. "It was foul, anyway I drank it and as soon as I left my world for yours, I changed into the doll that sat on the shelf in your bedroom, gathering dust from neglect."

"Now wait a minute", Sarah started to say, before she realised Emerald was just teasing. "But you were in my grandmothers' care before she gave you to me. How did that come about?"

"The lady who made up the potion was a friend of your grandmothers. I was entrusted to her care and she was fully informed as to why I needed protection, so were your parents."

Sarah sat back on her heels whilst rubbing her temples with her fingers. "This is all so unbelievable."

"I know, it is a lot to take in."

"But why did you need protection – I don't understand. Did you do something you shouldn't have?"

"Oh no. I didn't do anything wrong". She traced a line in the sand beneath her foot as she thought how she could explain what had happened so Sarah wouldn't be too alarmed.

"I grew up with a lot of people protecting me, I have had what you would call in your world, a privileged life. We are, were, a very peaceful community, but something changed. I don't know what it was, I still don't know, but a madness seemed to come over some people, not everyone thank goodness, but enough to put my life and the lives of others in danger. My father was the one who commanded that I be sent away."

"So now that you're back, what are you going to do?"

Emerald brushed her long hair back from her face – "I haven't the faintest idea."

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