Chapter 19

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After breakfast they made their way towards the blacksmiths with Geoffrey and Julian in tow. Walking the streets with Geoffrey they discovered that he just seemed to know just about everyone.

"Someone's been holding out on us," Sarah whispered to Emerald.

"You think?"

Even the butcher who had looked at them with such dislike the previous day, was shaking hands with the man and smiling, actually smiling. Suddenly they were strangers no longer and everyone wanted to be introduced to them all. It was, at the same time, both wonderful and rather disconcerting.

They finally made it to the blacksmiths and Emerald let them in using the key Ben had given her.

"You seem to know just about everyone in this town Geoffrey. Did you live here or something?"

"Or something?" he raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I did live here for a while. Remember I told you I worked as a school teacher?"

"Yes, was that here?"

He nodded. "I don't know that the school exists anymore, so many people have moved away."

Sarah suddenly realised that she hadn't seen any children in the town; they must have all moved away with their parents.

"How long ago did you leave?"

"About five years ago now."

"Was that because the woodmill closed?"

"No, I had to go and see my family."

"You have family?" He looked at her in surprise "Sorry, it's just you haven't mentioned them."

"Probably because the issue never came up, but yes I have a son and daughter, both of whom live in the capital with their respective families."

"And your wife?" Sarah asked, though she thought she already knew the answer.

"She passed away."

"I'm so sorry."

"So am I. Now, why don't you show me what Emerald taught you yesterday."

"Actually, I had hoped Julian would go first. I'm still feeling the effects from yesterday."

Emerald grinned at her "C'mon Sarah, using those muscles again today will help your body to heal. If you like, we don't have to do as much today."

"Fine" Sarah huffed and pulled a practice sword from the barrel.

She took up her stance, remembering what Emerald had taught her the previous day and waited for the other girl to attack.

"Two hands Sarah and do you best to block me." Emerald came in swinging.

Once again Sarah was taken aback by the ferocity and quickness of the attack. Emerald was just so quick and powerful. If Sarah had thought their sparring match yesterday was hard, it was nowhere near as difficult as todays. Emerald moved like lightning, darting in, swinging, hitting Sarah on her back, legs and hips before darting away. Sarah did her best to block the other girls sword, but was failing miserably. She put her hands up, perspiration rolling down her face as she tried to catch her breath.

"Too" she took a breath in "fast."

Emerald stood with the tip of her sword resting on the ground, "I'm sorry if you think I am being too hard on you Sar, but as I said yesterday, your opponents will be just as ruthless, probably even more so. This is the best way to learn."

Sarah rubbed her shoulder where it was beginning to ache from being hit a few times "What do you think Geoffrey?"

"Emerald is right, but how about she spars with Julian for now whilst I show you some tricks that might help you in the long run."

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