Chapter 15

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As Sarah finally reached the others, she couldn't help but notice the grin plastered on both Geoffrey's and Julian's faces.

"What are you so happy about?" she asked grumpily, still feeling the effects of the blisters on her toes.

"Come Sarah, let me show you." Julian took her hand and helped her up the last part of the trail to where the others were waiting.

"Look" he pointed.

"What the...." Sarah was robbed of speech. Peak Ridge appeared in all its glory and she was overawed at the sight.

With the sun hitting the gleaming silver and gold rooftops, a myriad of colours flowed across the white washed buildings of the town.

"It's so pretty."

"Isn't it! Even on an overcast day it still looks beautiful, though the sun hitting the roof tops creates the kaleidoscope of colours."

"I wonder if they realized the effect they would achieve when they built the town?"

"Don't know."

"It's absolutely breathtaking; I can't wait to see what it looks like up close."

"Well, we should be there soon. I noticed you were limping; sore feet?" Geoffrey asked.

Sarah nodded, "Blisters, I need to break in my shoes."

"Oh well, I should be able to help. Sit down over there, take your boots off and I'll see what I have in my pack." He directed her to a tree stump by the side of the path and began to rummage through his pack. "Here we are."

Sarah saw that he had pulled a roll of bandages out of his pack along with a tin of salve.

"Good stuff this" he said with a grin "magical."

Sarah couldn't help but smile back but hissed in pain as he began to rub the cream over her bare feet.

"Those boots must be fairly new to have done so much damage."

She nodded grimacing as he wound the bandage around her foot.

"Yep, should have packed my Puma's."


"Don't worry," she shrugged and looked at Emerald who couldn't keep a smile off her face. She knew she understood. She bit her lip to keep from smiling.

"So, will we reach the town before nightfall?"

He nodded "I would think so. There you go; you can put your boots back on now."

"Thanks Geoffrey, my feet feel so much better."

"Told you" he tapped the side of his nose "magic!"

Sarah laughed and lightly punched his arm.

"Right, well if you two have finished I think we should get a move on" Julian stated.

"Lead the way" Em gestured at the path.

Whilst still slippery in parts, the trail down hill had dried out enough for them to maneuver it quite easily and progress was a lot faster as a result. It seemed like no time at all that they were on the outskirts of town.

Standing beneath the shelter of the trees on the outer edge of the forest, they took stock of their situation.

"Okay guys" Sarah started "what's the plan?"

"Well, first things first and that's to find shelter. The Deer's Antlers should have some rooms available. I have stayed there before and they don't ask too many questions. Besides, the owner is quite a good friend of mine."

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