Chapter 11

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When Friday came around, I explained to Charlie and Alex that I had to reschedule because I was helping Nick move and I was moving with him.

All of this week at home, my life consisted of hearing my parents fight and putting all of my things into boxes. I separated the boxes my category.

Shoes, band merchandise, random clothes I don't wear, music accessories, posters, sheets, bathroom supplies and other random crap. I didn't have much things.

So today is Saturday and I have all of my stuff in my room. This house is amazing, it has three bedrooms on the main floor and two bedrooms in the basement. I called one of the basement rooms. Nick and Amanda have a bedroom on the main floor. I honestly just wanted to be far away from them as possible because I don't want to hear any noises, if you know what I mean.

So today I'm making my bed and outing my posters on the walls and setting my room up.

Then my phone beeped. I looked down to see a text message on kik, from James and I smiled.

"Hey." Was all it said.

"Hi." I replied.

"What's up?"

"Not much, just moved into my brothers new house and I am setting my room up." I said.

"Oh. Cool." He said and I sat down on my bed, getting distracted from what I was supposed to be doing.

"Yeah. What's up with you?" I asked.

"Not much, but hey, want to Skype later?" He asked me and my heart started beating faster.

"Yeah, sure." I said, trying to sound calm. Honestly, it scares me when I haven't seen or talked to this person, but I have to over come this fear.

"Sweet." He said and I tossed my phone on my bed and continued to set up my room.

Once I was finished I noticed the time. Five in the afternoon the clock read and I went upstairs.

"What are we having for dinner?" I asked Nick and he said he didn't know. He's still busy working on putting everything together, that way it doesn't have boxes everywhere.

"Don't worry about it." I said, trying to be nice. I knew he was tired and I knew he just wanted this day to be over with.

I went downstairs and listened to music until I passed out.

A couple hours later my phone vibrated. I groaned and checked to see who it was.

"James: "Hey." Was all he said.

"Hi." I said and tried to go back to sleep, not even paying attention to the time.

"Want to skype?" He asked and then I remembered. I got up in a flash and got my computer up and running.

"Sure." I said.

"Call me." He said and I smiled, I imagined him saying 'call me' in a valley girl voice, where they have there phone as their hands. It was funny.

I sent him a message instead. I don't like calling or texting people first. It scares me, like I'm bothering them or something.

He didn't reply after five minutes. I hesitated but moved my curser over the green call button and pressed it, feeling scared for my life.

"What if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm weird or too shy? What if he thinks my voice is too low? What if he thinks I'm ugly? What if he never speaks to me again?" All of these thoughts kept swarming in my mind and he appeared on my screen with two other people.

"Hey, Jenna's here." He said with a smile and I turned my camera on and they all were staring at me. I felt like throwing up.

"Well there is no turning back now." I thought to myself.

"Hi." I said shyly and they all introduced themselves.

The other people in this call was James' cousin, Christina, and his best friend Tyler.

They were very nice people. Christina has long blond hair, like me, and she has this perfect voice. It just sounds amazing, I wish I had it. I sound like a guy, which is unfortunate for me.

Tyler has short brown or black hair, I couldn't tell because of the lighting, and he was playing a video game, 'Grand Theft Auto five.' His voice was deep, it sounded really deep, but way too deep for my liking.

And lastly, James. He was just sitting there looking at me, while I was looking at him. He has a grey shirt on and I couldn't tell about his pants because I can only see from his chest up. His hair is brown and shaggy and his eyes look amazing. His eyes are a beautiful shade of brown and he's really skinny, like me. He started talking and my heart sped up. His voice is deep and it's wonderful, it's like the perfect kind of deep. He kind of looks like a Drake look alike, Drake from 'Drake and Josh.' He started laughing and that caused me to laugh. His laugh is so cute. He soon started to explain something but I wasn't paying attention, I was lost in his soothing voice. He was moving his hands around while trying to explain whatever he was trying to explain. His hands look so soft. I love his hands. I just want to hold them.

He soon stood up and I noticed he was wearing dark blue jeans. Dang, that butt though. I got carried away.

"Jenna calm down." I thought to myself as he sat back down in this chair with a spoon and a jar. He opened the jar and shoved the spoon inside, the spoon was covered in white powdery stuff.

"Is he eating salt?" I asked myself. Salt is so gross, why would someone just eat salt all by themselves.

"James are you eating sugar, again?" Tyler asked. So this happened often. "That's normal." I thought to myself as James answered.

"Yes it is." He said as he shoved another spoon full of sugar in his mouth.

"At least it's not salt." I said, not meaning to say that outloud.

"What?" James asked.

"Huh?" I said.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you." He asked and I smiled.

"Oh nothing, I was talking to myself." I said with a smile and that causes him to smile.

"Ok." He said and then a worried expression was plastered on his face. He went and ran off to some place in his house, which was unknown to me because I wasn't there.

"Shit, I have to go." He said and then my screen went back to the Skype home screen and I signed in relief. My heart finally stopped beating so fast. I closed my laptop and placed it under my bed and then laid down. Then I got another text message from James.

"Hey, sorry, my parents are home." He said.

"It's ok." I said.

We soon started talking about the Skype call. It was fun, just I was nervous and I let him know that I was nervous and I don't talk much because I am a shy person and he understood. He seems like an understanding person.

He stopped texting me and I took that as my chance to go back to sleep.

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