Chapter 5

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The past few days have been a little weird. My brother is home, his girlfriend is sleeping in my room, my friends have been distant and I don't know what to do. I think I might be going insane.

"JJ, wake up. It's time for school." Nick, my brother said to me as he jumped on my bed, trying to wake me up. All he got was a face full of pillow, I'm not a morning person at all.

"JJ please, for me." He begged with his famous pouty face he used to do when we were little, when everything was good in life.

"Fine." I groaned finally getting out of bed. "But never call me JJ." I said, always hating that nickname he gave me when we were little. See my name is Jenna Jackson and he never liked saying 'Jen' for a nickname, like most of my friends do. So he called me JJ for my initials. It's actually pretty smart, but I still hate it.

"Come on. It brings up memories." He said.

"Fine, but only you can call me that." I said making my way downstairs to get something to drink, skipping breakfast.

Once I refreshed my dry mouth with something cold. I went upstairs and got dressed. I threw on my new Supernatural tee-shirt and some black skinny jeans with some boots. I brushed my hair and teeth and did everything else you need to, to prepare for school.

Once I was finally ready I gave my brother a hug and told him to have a nice day. I would've said the same thing to my parents, if only they were there. You would think that after not seeing your daughter for three years, they'd be around, but sadly that isn't the case.

I ran up to catch up with Charlie and Alex when the weren't there. So I went to Charlie's house and she wasn't there. Her mom, Nessie, told me that she drove Alex to school and then she shut the door in my face.

I wanted to go back home, I can't walk by myself, it brings back too many memories. Before you know it I'm in the middle of the sidewalk having a mental breakdown, crying my eyes out, wishing someone was there for me, someone I knew and trusted.

Then I heard someone, footsteps getting closer to me.

"Hey are you alright?" He said with his familiar voice.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said, wiping away my tears and look in front of myself, it was C.J.

"You don't look fine."

"I'm fine, alright?" I said, not realizing how aggressive it sounded.

"Alright damn, someone is aggressive this morning." He said.

"I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind." I said truthfully, I do have a lot on my mind right now.

"It's ok, let's just get to school in one piece though." He said as he walked next to me.

We spent the whole time walking together and talking about sweet nothingness. The time we spent together seemed like hours, but I knew it was only minutes.

Once we arrived at school people gave me weird looks, I just went to my locker to prepare myself for whatever this day has to throw at me.

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