Chapter 4

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"...But it's true, guys like him don't end up with girls like me."

"What is that supposed to mean?" My mom asked, getting angry. She doesn't like me 'talking bad about myself' because she thinks it will lead into depression or something.

"He's a popular guy, who likes football and all of the hot popular girls. I'm an outcast, I'm last at everything and no one likes me, popular people don't like outcasts. He's a popular guy and I'm just another girl, he means nothing to me and I mean nothing to him." I said.

"Maybe he will like you, you're beautiful Jenna." My mom said, brushing my hair behind my ear.

"Mom, what are you even saying? We just met today, I don't even like him and he doesn't, and never will, like me."

"Never say never." She said and left me all alone.

I went up to my room and laid on my bed, sighing because of that weird conversation with my mom.

I suddenly get a text message and I check to see who it's from. It's from Charlie.

"Hey, have you seen the new hot guy, C.J." She said and I smiled and replied back.

"Hell yeah, he's hot as fuck, I'm pretty sure every girl has seen him though."

"Not every girl, Alex hasn't seen him." She said.

"One girl out of a million girls that go to our school."

"First off, we don't have a million girls who go to our school, we have like 1,000 and that's not even all girls." She said, being precise.

"Thanks for reminding me." I replied sarcastically.

"Smart ass." Was all she said and I didn't bother replying back.

I just tossed my phone next to me and tried to relax.

"Jenna, come down here, we have a surprise for you." My dad yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I groaned and went down stairs, wondering what on earth could possibly be my surprise.

"Hey Jenna." He said and I smiled instantly and ran up and gave him a hug.

"How are you home? I thought you had one more year of college yet to go through." I asked, not believing my brother is actually home. He wasn't here for a long time so he doesn't know about what happened to me and he never will. My brother is like my savior, he helped me through everything when I was a kid and it hurt me to see him leave for college, but I'm glad he's back now.

"I got an opportunity to graduate early and I took it." He said and then there was another person behind him, a girl.

"Thanks for helping me with your bags Nick." She said, dropping his stuff next to my brother.

"Sorry sweetie, he said and gave her a kiss on the cheek." He said and I looked at them suspiciously, not liking the situation anymore.

"Whose your friend?" I asked.

"This is Amanda, she's my girlfriend. I hope you guys don't mind her staying with us." He said with a smile.

"Not at all, we love new people, welcome to the family." My parents greeted her and I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you." Nick and Amanda said at the same time.

"But Amanda has to stay in Jenna's room, if you live under my roof there is going to be no baby making in this house." Mom said and I am silently screaming in my head.

"No problem, we understand." Nick said and kissed his girlfriend goodbye while he went into his room and I walked Amanda up to my room.

"This is my room, my room has two parts to it, so you can stay in the top half, while I keep all of my stuff in here." I said bitterly, but still smiling at her. My room is the attic, my room basically is two rooms in one, but I just stay in the first half of my room.


"No problem."

She goes out into Nick's car and grabs her bags and stuff and sets them down in her half of the room. I go downstairs to get the air mattress, since there is no bed in there.

"You get to have an air mattress for awhile because we don't have any other beds." I say while setting up the mattress in her room.

"Thanks." She said with a smile.

"She is too perky for me." I thought to myself as she watched me blow up the air mattress.

"Look Jenna, I can tell that you don't like me and I just want to let you know that I want to get to know you before we start to judge each other." She says and I smile, starting to like her a little bit already.

"I'm just very protective over my brother and I've seen him hurt before, I can tell you guys love each other and what not, but I would hate for him to be heart broken again." I said truthfully. I don't know how many times I've come home from school when I was in the fourth grade and my brother was locked in his room for days. It hurt me to see him hurt. I used to talk to him and help him through whatever he was upset about, but when he went to college I couldn't do that anymore. It was like a piece of myself was taken away from me.

"Jenna, I love your brother very much, I've never felt this way about anyone and I promise you I won't break his heart." She said and I smiled, happy that he met a girl as awesome as she is.

"Pinky promise me that you'll never break his heart." I said while holding out my pinky finger.

"Pinky promise." She said as she held out her pinky and wrapped it around mine.

"Ok, we're good now." I said and gave her a hug and she hugged me back.

I just hope this is the real deal for my brother and this won't be another heart break for him, I know she promised me but promises always end up getting broken.

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