Chapter 23

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I miss James. I know I talk to him everyday, but I miss him. Long distance is hard, it's really hard. Nobody knows how hard it is until you're in the situation. Everyone says it doesn't work and I don't buy that. If you love someone that much, distance doesn't matter, distance is just empty space.

I was talking to James about Christmas and he actually made me happy, the happiest I've been in awhile.

"Hey babe." He said.

"Hey cutie." I replied with.

"No you're cuter." He said and I started blushing.

"No." I said, making the 'no' really long.

"Yes." He replied back.

"What's up buttercup?" I asked and smiled.

"Nothing much, just bored." He said.

"Same." I said and then he replied fast.

"So guess what?"

"What?" I asked, getting more curious as time awaits.

"I'm coming to visit you for Christmas." He said and I was really happy.

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes." He said and continued. "I just need to know where you live." So I told him.

He said he will be here in three days and I squealed. I was so happy, I'm finally going to meet him in person.

Then my phone went off. I looked at it, hoping it was James and I was disappointed. It was C.J.

"Hey." Was all he said.

"Hi." I replied.

"Can you take me up on my offer and come over later?" He asked and I totally forgot. I was supposed to go over to C.J's house to hang out with him, but I have to get ready for James.

"Sure." I said and tossed my phone next to me, on my bed.

I, then cleaned up my room a little and made sure everything was organized. I cleaned the bathrooms, the kitchen, the living room and all of the other rooms.

"Why are you cleaning everything?" Nick asked.

"My best internet friend is coming to visit me." I never told him I was dating James, and he will never know.

"That James guy?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Awesome, I'm happy for you and you seem really happy to be meeting him. He seems like he makes you happy." He said and I smiled and hugged him.

"He does, he makes me really happy." I said and went back downstairs and grabbed my phone, I realized the time and realized it's around dinner.

"I'm going over to C.J's, I promised him I would awhile ago." I said and went out of the door.

"Love you." He said as I shut the door, it was barely audible but I heard him.

I went over to his house and knocked on the front door. Realizing I forgot my phone.

"Hey." He said as he pulled me into his house, so I wouldn't be in the cold anymore.

"Hi." I said and sat on the couch.

"Dinner will be ready soon. My mom is making pork chops." He said with a smile.

"Sweet, pork chops are pretty good." I said.

After awhile of sitting on C.J's couch I became more impatient. I needed to check my phone, I needed to see if James texted me, I needed to talk to him. I started freaking out and I could tell C.J was worried.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked as I scratched at my black skinny jeans, wanting to talk to James.

"Nothing, just itchy I guess." I said and then continued to just sit patiently, as C.J left the room to do God knows what.

"Dinners ready." C.J said as he set up three plates with pork chops on them, along with glasses of water.

"His parents must be divorced." I thought to myself.

"Thank you so much for this wonderful dinner." I said as I sat down to eat.

"You're welcome sweetie." C.J's mom, Miss. Anderson, said to me. I don't know why moms, or just women in general call girls sweetie. It's weird.

During dinner C.J kept looking at me like I was something good to eat. It was freaking me out, he's never looked at me like this before. I took a drink out of my water and it taste good, way better than my bottled water, but not as good as peace tea.

Towards the end of the meal I started to become tired all of a sudden, so I finished the last bit of water I had in my glass. I put my now empty plate and glass in the sink.

"I better get going, I'm starting to get tired." I said and C.J and his mom offered for me to stay the night, since I apparently looked like I was going to pass out in five seconds.

It honestly felt like it, I felt so tired. I could feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier by the moment. I needed to lay down.

I laid down on the couch and the next thing you know I'm being covered up by blankets and someone is singing to me. I tried opening my eyes, to keep from falling asleep, but the room was spinning and it was giving me a headache. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a nightmare.

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