chapter 2 , the biggest battleship ever built

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The present .

Sarah was still hugging evos to her chest . Enterprise and hornet just accepted evos as their own baby brother .

Enterprise was still curious about evos's ship . " Commander.....if you don't mind me asking . How big is his ship ?" Enterprise asked as she looked at the commander .

Sarah smiled ..she then looked at the sisters who seem to be excited about their baby brothers ship . " Well how about we go to the dock and find out " Sarah proposed which was a great idea .

She along with two sisters went outside to see the massive ship of evos .

The dockyard was filled with many ships girls walking around , greeting eachother talking to others with a happy smile over their face . Everyone was happy under the hot sun . Azur lane might be a military organisation but it does not treat their ships as weapons . It is a matter of respectives .

The dock was also filled with ships . Of all different different size and factions . But one stood outside of all . It was the biggest ship in the dock and a unique one at that . Everyone was staring at it and some kensens were talking about the design about this ship .

" Are you kidding me ?"

" This ship is huge ?!"

" is a combination of the carrier and battle ship . It makes it ever more heavier and interesting ."

Sarah could hear all the conversation about the new ship . She could feel the eyes of enterprise and hornet almost coming out of their socket .

" Commander....d...don't tell me that's his ship " hornet pointed at the massive giant ..giant would a waste of words . A huge behemoth would be the right word to use .

" Ofc....the newest ship . The strongest and the mightiest ship azur lane , the world could offer . Meet....our little baby boy's ship *kisses evos's cheeks* "

Sarah said . She now caught the attention of some few flagship who were on the dockyard looking at the ship .

" Commander....hello . I see you have came back from your mission " an elegant voice said . Sarah knew who's voice it was . She smiled and looked at the pride of the royal navy....hood .

" Hood . It is very nice to see you and others " looks at others .

" Commander....plesee explain this scene " a women in a strong German accent asked the commander . She was blonde , big bust , had a serious look on her face . She was pretty though almost as same as enterprise . Her name was Kms Bismarck . The beast of steel ..

" Well this big boy right here . It is the newest edition of azur lane . The biggest and the mightiest battle ship ! UUSS evos , the 4th class of the Yorktown class carrier and a multi-purpose battle carrier . " Sarah said making them completely shocked .

The term 'UUSS' is no joke . When an U is given before a ships prifix it means that ship is an ultimate class battle ship .

[ Just a think I added with the story . ]

Their eyes fall of their socket . They look at the commander with disbelief. This ship was a legend and a mighty on its own .

You have to be joking commander ?"  A women with long orange hair asked the question . Her name was FFN Richelieu , the flag ship of the Irish liber .

" I am not is true . This is the first of its own kind . The others are ....we'll you know out of commission " Sarah said

" But why weren't we told about this ? Why didn't the higher up or admiral informed us about this ?" This time more of a child like ship asked . She was a battleship and her name was queen Elizabeth . The flag ship of the royal navy . A brat but a good leader .

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