chapter 18 , final .

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Okay so first of all I got feed backs . Thanks guys for all the support. Really helps a lot . This is the final chapter and the book with be closed afterwards . So , enjoy.

Evos pov .

I slowly open my eyes . I saw lights . Last this I remember is .....falling in the sea . My head's are still buzzing . I started to wake up and I looked outside . Saw ...light , green leafs ....I ...I am pretty sure I did not die ....right .

What the ....

" Evos ...."

That voice . Bianca ..... I looked to my sides and saw ....Bianca . Her voice . I heard . She looked beautiful...haven't changed a little bit . But ...she seems older and much more stronger .

" B...b...bianca ....?" I said . I can see her lips formed into a slim but warm smile . It warmth my heart . I slowly started to sat up. She helped me .

I was sure I wasnt dead but confuses me that ....why wasn't I dead . As far as I know alpha should be dead so should I . But ...this is so weird....for me atlest .

" It is good to see you finally awake . It has been ...quite a time since you went to sleep "

Went to sleep ? Quite a time ? What is she talking about ....I don't get it . Not even one word .

" W...what do you mean ?" I asked her looking straight into her eyes . She sighs . She sat down as she put her hands over mine " Evos ....this is a lot to take in I know but you have to trust me ...."

She said . I looked at her as the sun shines , the ray to my room . I looked at outside ...rain water shining like pearl was beautiful . But what was the news . What she wanted me to know ? What was it ?

" You were in a coma .....went into a coma for 2 years "

My eyes wide when I heard her voice . It rang my ears . For two years ....two straight whole damn years . was...

" Evos ...?" She called me again . I realised I zoned out . " I know it is hard to take in ....but there are some things ....we need to tell you . But first is for you to catch up with us once again..."

She said .

I smiled at it . I put my hands over hers " yeah .....I missed so much in those two years ....and there is so much things I ...must tell you all ....but for now let's enjoy "

I can see tears forming in her eyes . I smiled . She wiped her tears away .

" This is.....I dont know .....doctors said you might never woke up ..but you did ....we are so happy ...we are dad ...everyone ...Evos " she said .

I was really glad that it turn out like this . But one thing ....why was I here ..." Bianca ..."

She looked at at me with a warm smile " yes brother . What is it ?" She asked me .

I gripped her hand " why I still here ? Please.."

I asked for answers . She looked at me . Her eyes widen a bit . But she looked away . I don't like that look away thing . It was .... concerning " I don't like that look Bianca .......just tell me !"

I said . I know something was bad no worse ...t...this is ....isn't looking good .

" Evos ...this is ....there is a lot to tell ....where can I start ...there is both ...bad and good news ...for everyone of us ... especially for you " 

My body froze ....good and bad news . Like I thought . Just what is it .

" Give the bad news first ....I want the bad news first ...."

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