chapter 5 . wedding

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3rd person pov .

Today was a great day for azur lane . It was a great day for all the kensens . Everyone was wearing their luxurious dresses ..they held their hands over their loved once .

Today was the wedding of the famous figures in azur lane . Two important figures in azur lane . Anos Von leven hertz and enterprise. One was the supreme commander of the azur lane and another was the flagship of egeal union .

" Cheers !!' the royal navy ships cheers with their tea .

[ Don't even know why they are drinking tea at this moment but
...hey it is azur lane ]

" It is a great ceremony....I hope this goes well " Elizabeth said .

The ships looked at her " my lady.....why are you saying like that ?" Wales asked as she looked at her queen .

" Well it seems her majesty is quite jealous of enterprise " duke of York said as she teased her .

Elizabeth became red . It was true . She was jealous of her but it was not the reason . She was feeling something else .

" My my ...your highness....yout face had become so red . " Illustrious said as she looked at Elizabeth..

Everyone giggled as she Elizabeth continued to drink her tea ..

" Such a lovely ceremony....I am so happy for enterprise" akagi said as she looked at the grand environment that the wedding took . She was holding a glass of wine as she drank it with her boyfriend . Shion " hehe , you are right babe . It is a grand environment for lord anos . I wish them good luck " he said . Shion was the 1st division commander and a good one . He was akagi and kagas lover .

" Sister , shion . You guys here " shion and akagi looked at the ship named kaga who arrived at the scene . Shion smiled and pulled kaga closer making her blush .

" Look at you so beautiful..." Shion said making kaga blush .

Yamato and musashi were looking at the scene with great joy . " Looks like the little sisters are getting all the fun~" musashi said in her teasing tone .

Yamato smiled as she drank her lovely sakura empire sake . She was also smoking as it was her regular habit of doing so .

You can see a large bottle of beer were cheered with eachother . It was the iconic beer of ironblood .

" For the Valhalla! Cheers " bismarck said as she and her fellow ironblood ships cheered with their flagship . " This weeding is something else lord bismarck . solch eine großartige und schöne Umgebung !" Eugen said as she drank her beer .

" Easy there Eugen . du wirst ersticken " graf zeppelin said as she rubbed the back of Eugen .

Zeppelin noticed her daughter zeppy was trying to drink her fare share of drink but she snatched it . " Nein, Zeppy, nicht wahr! "

" Aewww mommy please I want to test it . " Zeppy said using her puppy dog eyes . But zeppelin wasnt effected by it at all . She glared at her shutting her daughter up ..

" Nein göt zeppy . You won't drink beer unless I tell you to " graf zeppelin said in a tough tone . Zeppy aewwrd and looked down .

The other ironblood members laughed at the scene .

" Calm down zeppelin...a little beer won't do anything wrong to zeppy " prinz Eugen said smiling as she chug on her own .

To the french ships .

The french ships such as jean bart , Richelieu , brest , le terrible , Jeanne d'arc and others gossiping with eachother .

" Why do have to attend the wedding . With you ?" Jean asked being not to happy to attend the wedding with her sister Richelieu .

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