chapter 16 , what do you know !?!

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When a battle , is dangerous . It is said to be a large bloody battle . But for the battle of evis and alpha. Let's say it was not what you expected it to be .

Alpha charged at evos with his arms . He slammed them down the water .

Evos stepped back and fired his flaming salvos . But it did nothing . No scratch what so ever .

Alpha laughed " is that !?"

" No but thanks for asking !" Evos said as he looked at alpha .

He saw the salvos didn't had any effect on him . Alpha's armour was so strong that it was enough to withstand reality warping attacks.

Alpha opened his claws . Evos saw something . A large lighting bolt fired from the claws . Evos dodged each light bolts .

" Are you just going to dodge it !? Or do something else !!?" Alpha dashed at evos and he swing both of his claw at Evos .

Evos stepped back as it hit the ground .

He continued with his assault but it did nothing to the alpha . Alpha became really angry . He used his Godly wisdom energy to drag Evos closer !

He grabbed him .

Alpha : you little bitch ! You think you can toy with me .!?!

Alpha then throws Evos at a mountain . Evos hit the mountain hard . " Take this !?!" Alpha yelled as his mouth fired a massive blast of red and bloody energy with dark particles.

Evos dodged the beam as he landed on the bloody water . He then dodged a ram from alpha .

Evos was actually struggling . Seeing this through his eyes made everyone shocked at what Evos was doing . He was struggling againt the alpha .

It only proved how mighty the alpha was .

" He....he is struggling..." Enterprise said as many of them dropped their jaw to see this

Evos dodged another energy beam and fired a dark ball at alpha . The ball hit him but it did nothing . " How the hell !?" Evos yelled as he was confused why the hell alpha wasn't hurting at all . Something caught Evos .

He was lifted into the nothingness .

" So weak !!" Alpha swing his four claws at Evos . Evos tried to dodged bu the telekanissis power was too much for him to over-come . Alpha slammed his four claws at Evos . But Evos surprisingly stopped them with his hands . But his hands got wounded too .

" S...s...shite !!!" Evos yelled . Alpha mouth opened again . Evos looked clustered . He used his wisdom energy to disable his powers as he fall to the ground . He shoot his plasma but it did nothing .

" J...just how the hell is he supposed to beat hi. As everyone he tried becames a failure !?!" John asked as he looked at the beast standing Infront Evos through his eyes . He cannot believe some as strong as evos was struggling. It was timely unbelievable.

" What can you even do when you cannot even beat my armour !?!" Alpha asked . His eyes glowed red as he kept firing his one slaughters .

Evos kept dodged them . Once the attacked stoped Evos noticed something , Evos noticed that alpha , every time he attacked , the vents on his arms opened . It released some kind stem . Evos realised that it was the weak points but he wasn't no sure .

But when the ai built in his suit said " Evos !!! That is the weakness . Fire at it !!!! It do it right now !!" .

Evos did what he was told . He fired at the vents . But one of them actually hit .it caused alpha great pain and the vents exploded on their biceps . It drew a loot of blood . But the arm wasn't disable . That was not Evos was looking for . He wanted to cause the pain . And if that's what will keep alpha slow down then it was fine with him .

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