chapter 4 . not a brother...but a son

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The next day .

The day starts with enterprise as she woke up . She looked at the time and it was pretty early . She looked down at her bed saw evos was sleeping like a pup again .

She smiled and pat his head . She carefully made her way to the washroom and washed her face . Then she took Evos to wash his face too .

" Mommy....." Evos suddenly called enterprise mommy . Which was surprisingly very wired . Enterprise haven't been called mommy other than hornet for a few times when she was young . But evos called her mommy was....a bit wited . But she accepted it .

" You want me to become your mommy ?" Enterprise asked . Evos blushed realising his mistake .

" Um....sorry..." Evos said as he looked down at the ground in embarrassment .

Enterprise pat his head and said " no need can call me what you want " enterprise said . She didn't found it wired for younger siblings to see older siblings as a parental figure .

" Siseter ..can I actually call you momma..." Enterprise was taken a back again . She didn't expect this to happen . But she smiled . She picked Evos up and looked at him .

" can call me 'momma'~" enterprise said as she looked at the child . Evos smiled with joy and looked at her .

" Thank you momma your the best !!"

Enterprise smiled at his words . She kissed his forehead .

" Now now evos need to become a good boy alright darling ?" Enterprise said as she looked at evos who nodded like a rocket .

To the cafe.

Enterprise carried evos to the cafe . She sat down with others ships of her faction.

Meanwhile the commander have informed the whole base about the newest member and it being a ship boy .

The members who were sitting on the table quickly noticed their flagship and greeted them .

" Enterprise come sit " renown said as she pat the bench beside her .

" Thank you renown " enterprise said as she looked at them . She sat evos in her lap .

" Awww it seems we have our little baby " Georgie looked at evos with a smile .

" Hi " evos said in a cute voice in a cute manner .

The girls blushed at this adorable sight .

" Aren't you a cutie " Essex said as she smiled at her masters little brother .

" So...this is your baby brother ?' enterprise looked at Georgia . She smiled and nodded " can say it . My baby " she said as she kissed the top of evos's head .

" Momma stop it tickles !!' evos said as he laughed as enterprise kept on doing so .

But she failed to notice the stare of other egeal union ships around her . " Wait...momma ? I thought he was your brother ?" Gorgia asked as she looked enterprise with a Sus look .

" Well..." Enterprise explains everything what happend today's morning .

Evos was eating a stake with his hands like a puppy sitting in enterprises lap ..

" He is cute...." Essex kept on looking at the child thinking it was a lemon ..

Suddenly, Sarah came to their table .

" Commander " the four of them said as they saluted them . Sarah smiled and saluted back . Her eyes went to evos . " Hey there darling , eating well " she asked the puppy who nodded her head .

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