chapter 14 , to the the soul

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Evos's pov .

I was sitting in dorm looking at my nano suit armour . I looked at the mirror . I saw my own reflection . I cannot believe I am here with this human body .

Hehe seems kinda I mean really funny . It is funny though . I am the alpha siren...the strongest of all godly class sirens . And here...I am fighting for humanity .

It is way more funnier than anything else .

I looked back at the suit that Johnson gave me . I started hearing voice " evos are our last hope "

" Say it what you want to say are a human . You know that !" Avos tells me

" Whenever you see the stars in the sky , and see their light , remember ....they shine with their might in the darkest moment "

" It is not yours your to kill it is mine !!"

" ....what are you prepared to sacrifice "

The last sentence echoes in mind like a scream . I closed my eyes and stood up . The door opened and I look who it was . It was my mother . Enterprise . She looked at me with her usual expression .

" Evos ....are you prepared for this ?" She asked me .

I looked at her " I am....everything ready ?"

She nodded . It smiled and went to my helmet . I put it on .

She walked towards me and hugged me . I was quite surprised when she did this . I wasn't expecting this to happen . But I looked at her and hugged her back too .

" I want you to know . Whatever happens....I will always love you....I will always see you as a baby son of mine ...I will . I am so sorry for everything " enterprise said . I smirked .

" Don't be....just let's go to the damn dock "

When I reached the dock I saw all the legendary ships I can ever see . Everyone was like upgraded with head to toe with massive artillery and gears . Everyone was . I smirked . Now they can atlest hold their own and fight with the excecutor class sirens without my help .

" Evos ? Your ready , the storm is getting heavy !" Kevin said . He was waiting on his ship . Along with Bianca and alya .

" Yeah your my escort ?" I asked them as I walked towards them . Kevin nodded .

" Good get me into your damn ship "

Kevin nodded " but where is your rig ?"

He said as he looked at me . I realised I was missing my biggest weapon . I sigh . I then quickly called my for rig . The ship turned into millions of blues cube and got attached to my body forming my rig .

I could hear the gasps of amazement of people around me . I looked at them and smirked under my helmet .

" J..just how big is your rig ?" Alay asked as she looked at my rigging .

My rigging was a mixture between all Riggs of azur lane . So it made my rig looked really..... Well crazy .

" Brother...where is your flight deck " Bianca asked me .

" I removrd it . I don't want to be an aircraft carrier " I said . " Now we are getting holy late . Let's get running " Cleveland said .

The sail started . The rain was now...well terrifying . The rain was getting heavy and heavy . Waves were becoming heavy . I was sitting in the rain . The suit was protecting me from the rain .

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