chapter 10 . a messed up family

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The being looked at enterprise with blank look . He was wearing his helmet and as a result people did not able to see his face .

" Who am I....well that's a good question " the being said . " Let's say......well I am who I am " the being said .

The being just....gave out a massive hint on who he was . Evos , he usually uses that type of phase when an enemy asks him who he is . He used to say 'i am , who I am'

Enterprise eyes wide as he looked at the person . Others also looked at the being . They were...quite surprised but also a little confused on how he knew the famous phase of their strongest ultimate class battleship.

Enterprise slowly walked towards her daughter's saviour . She looked at the being . The being slowly reached for his helmet and he pushed a button on it . Some part started to release steam from the helmet .

It was not steam it was oxygen as it was being released . The being then took of his helmet .

The people dropped their eyes and jaw on the floor when they saw the face .

The being looked so familiar....they were stunned to see this . It was none other than evos . 

[ Chompzilla1 bro here is your prediction ]

Enterprise had her hands over her mouth . She looked at her long lost son....or a weapon .

Evos wasn't the they knew he was . They knew him as a cheerful baby who won't hurt even the most corrupted , cruel person . But this evos before them had...scares over his face . He looked more badass but something about his aura looked dangerous . It looked like he was going to kill them without hesitation .

Enterprise looked at her son's face . She was going to give him a hug but something inside her said it was....not even worth the risk . Cuz she might die .

She could see a large aura coming out of her son . She looked at it we it formed into a massive creature . It was her imagination looked so terrifying . But why would she imagine . She wasn't that hurt , nor she lost too much blood .

" I am evos......your perfect son.....or...." Evos stopped . His voice was also cold as hell .

Enterprise looked at her son's face . She looked like she was ....looking at a ghost . At a demon or something . His face wasn't bad though . But the aura he was releasing was just too much . His face also changed . Evos now looked more mature and more handsome as some of the girl kensens were blushing

But his scars . On his left side he has this type of scar

And in his left side he had this

" Aren't you gonna say anything...or just stand there mother " evos asked . Hearing his tone everyone shivered . This was not the cute baby evos they knew . It was....something else about him .

This evos was more war harden like he was fighting for billions of trillions of years .

" E...evos " enterprise said as she walked up to her son with almost teary eyes .

She touched her son's face and could feel how deep the scars truly was . They were as deep as a fresh wound ..they were glowing red like a fresh wound .

" E..what happened to you son ! Why are having those scars , those , those wounds . And why are wearing a suit ?! Is that that even a suite !" She said almost freaking out . Evos's eyes narrowed and glared at her . Enterprise didn't noticed it . But she felt her soul draining away from her .

She didn't dare to look at her son . Evos smirked and said " none of your concern...' evos said . His voice still cold and harsh .

It frozed enterprise . Evos then walks away from the spot leaving enterprise as speechless . Anos also saw this . He wanted to interfere but his guts were saying not to . He went to Bianca .

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