stop it please !

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Alright so people have sat their opinion on how evos will behave . Well it is both , controversial , and agree able . I don't have any problem with this . No but some are direct messaging me about idiot thing  which is called , power scaling .

Okay I mentioned one thing . This fanfic will not have fanfic . My friend who is wattpad messaged me at 7 am today . Telling me I was writing some weak characters .

I was like . 'nigga . This is not for your typical power scaling . I do this for fun' bla bla bla .

He kept going on and others are backing him up on his kid like claim .

So I am here to clear something . If you want evos to fight your damn characters....then forget about to . Evos is my representative. The azur lane verse in my book , representes our universe . Now you know how big our universe don't compare it . Please .

I don't want this book go be ruined by your sorry excuse of power scaling !!!!

Okay now . A bit thing . A bit revalation about the alpha siren . Alright . I added some more thing . Whish are not in the game and in the anime or in the manga .
So the things are , the sirens are...a very old race of the universe . They are like us but advance and more powerful . More like elders from Warhammer .

They were built for helping the others , saving others , serving the people who are weak , who are not well walked . To lead the siren they have alpha sirens . The strongest of all sirens are selected to be alpha sirens .

There are 3 alpha sirens till now . Ofc those are for laters but for now . So stay patient for now .

But don't bring those damn powerscaling here is you do I am gonna literally destroy my phone .

Avos pats my shoulders . " Jezzzzz kid ! Chill out . Here take some nachos"

I took the nachos...and I saw something unusual " ayoo what the -"

Cut !! Cut !! Cut !!

Johnson face palmed himself as we can see others being prepared for next chapter .

" Is the script done ?" Enterprise asked .

" Neee . He is still writing . But who cares . The author is shitting himself " duchtland mocked .

Somewhere else .

I was preparing my bullets as I looked at kratos " are my brother and you cannot let some loli to disrespect your brother can you ?!"

He glared at me " calm down boy . I will find whoever did this . And we will both hunt them down . Right slayer ?" Kratos looked at doom slayer who nodded .

To the studio .

" Jezz shut up !" Bismarck yelled at carol who was snoring .

Avos sigh ..

" See guys.....just....we are working hard for you guys . Thanks for reading " he said as he bowed before the camera .

End of the news .

azur lane : the end of the line Where stories live. Discover now