chapter 3 , jean Vs evos .

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The battle begins .

Jean throws her salvos at evos who dodged it with minimum efforts .

Jean kept on attacking in the same phrase as evos did the same thing ..

" He is doing pretty good for a child like himself " gorge v said as she looked at jean trying to hit evos .

" This is...bad . How long can he even dodge ?" Hornet was getting worried . She looked at the commander who was smiling ..

" Commander . Why are you smiling....your own son is in trouble ?!" Hornet asked Sarah . Sarah smirked .

" Don't worry...knowing evos...he is way stronger than anyone of us here . Even more than yamato or Bismarck " Sarah said as she looked at them with a wide smile .

" Commander....your not joking right ?" Yamato looked at the commander . Sarah smirked and shooked her head .

" No....I am not . Just watch "

Evos cut through a salvo as he landed on water surface . He looked at jean who throw a punch at him . He took the hit . Big mistake .

He flew a few meters way while bleeding from the punch . He wiped out the blood from his face as he saw more fires at his way . He used his spars to deflect them with ease .

The azur lane was actually very very confused now ..they saw how fast evos was . He was like a blur . But he wasn't taking advantage of his speed . There is now two possibilities one he is toying with jean which is impossible .

Evos was a kind soul . He won't humiliate anyone without any reason . And he doesn't know how to humiliate a person .

The second reason is , he is to humble or scared to hit jean . Jean was his one of his idol to be exact . And hitting your idol is not exactly what every fan does . He is one of them unfortunately .

The battles noise caught the attention of other higher class battleships such as new jersey , iwoa , Kursk , kronsdath , Algeria .

" What is going on here ?" Nj asked as she looked at the battle scene where jean is still firing her salvos at evos .

" Well it what it seems . A battle among a child and our jean bart. " Iwoa said as she face palmed literally feeling pity for the child .

" Jean what are you doing !?" Algeria yelled her flagships name who was too focused on trying to get a hit on evos who kept dodged and deflecting the attacks .

Evos stopped as he rested his legs . " 'huff' 'huff' man I...I am tired " evos said as he looked at the docks and saw many legendary ships .

His eyes wide as he saw another one of his idol ships . New jersey . He smiled and waved at her being a little child and a fan too .

" Miss new jersey!!" Hearing evos calling NJ she looked at the child with great surprise and stunned eyes .

" out !!" She called out for evos . Evos snapped back to reality as he looked what she was talking about . Evos got hit by multiple salvos at once creating a massive explosions .

The water level rose from the powerful blast . Jean smirked " take this !! More and more !!" She kept on firing without showing any mercy .

Enterprise was now more triggered . She summoned her rigs and went to the water not before iwoa caught her " let me go !! Iwoa !! Do you want my brother to get killed !?" Enterprise asked . " No I don't what ! But this is your commanders orders !"

Enterprise kept struggling into iwoas hold as she was kept on the struggle .

But to her everyone surprised , to jeans horror , the kid was completely fine . There was no stretch on him what so ever .

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