chapter 15 the final ....clash

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Okay guys , you all have been waiting for this chapter for a long time . Now it is the time . For the final fight.

Hope you all enjoy this.

When two fleet clash with one and another , it became a bloody mess for the sirens ofc .

The excecutor class and other class were getting stacked by the azur lane fleet .

They were fighting but one thing that was kept them alive was their huge number . " Evos !! Now " enterprise yelled as she aimed her bow at a siren . She fired it as the glowing yellow arrow launched at them with a speed that is beyond trenscrendal.

The arrow hit a horde of siren and it blow up . Making a path for evos .

Evos himself was not doing bad . Even he didn't want to fight the damn sirens with his will ..but he main goal was to reach the beam .

He blow up sirens after siren . He alone handed one billion of them . It came down to 56 million sirens now .

" Go evos ! The path is clear !!" Aleay said as she raised her hand and palmed ontu the surface of the sea . The sirens around her and closer to her were impaled with large spikes " nice one sis !! " Evos said as he ran past them .

He went to the beam as he blow up sirens to his left and right .

" Okay mom dad !! Bianca and everyone . When I meet the alpha you guys will see me fight him . Through my eyes " this caught the attention of the whole azur lane fleet .

Even is battle . " What !?" San Diego yelled " is that even possible !?"

" Is that supposed to be phsycological link like in Warhammer !?" Kevin said . He was a big fan of Warhammer

[ Shout-out to gamerwork shop for this op series ]

" Ye yeah ! It is like that . Think of what you think it is but I handing out !!" Evos yelled as he jumped to the beam .

The beam glowed and became much unstable . Some flares shoot from it's body . But they weren't dangerous . It means evos has entered the beam .

From the bottom anothet beam fired to the sky . More like it got powered up to the sky as the whole sky got disgratted and the storm came down .

It only means one thing

" The storm . It has came down !?" Bismarck said

" Yeah meaning evos is inside the universe . Okay people let's warp this up !!" Hipper said .

" Don't get to rushy sister or you will get the same fate are you chest " prinz Eugen teased her which made hipper frustrated.

To evos

I landed in the blue ground . It was rock hard . I looked around to see massive cities . I was in a some kind of universe . Oh wait . I know what it is .

The world of siren . I looked left to see a massive modern and cyber city which looked more like alien .

I looked my right to see the same city. I looked Infront the see a massive power tower.  That was the domain of alpha . But before ..I go there I had to enter this cave .

The cave was simply the hive mind . A small hive mind for defense force of the alpha's domain where thousands of excecutor class sirens were waiting for me .

I entered the cave .

[ It is looks more like the cave of crysis . I mean the last mission of crysis where  you need to go to a cave where the beam was being shoot . It looked more like that ]

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