chapter 9 , return .

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2 years later .

2 years later ....when the siren first attacked all hell lay lose .

People didn't even react and took them seriously . Which was their biggest mistake .

The sirens this time ...destroyed most of the humanity with a small amount of force .

This time no joke . No fun .

The higher class sirens who were actually the small pawns to the chess boards were all wiped out and sirens decided to bring the big guns out for the first time in the life as a conqueror .

The people didn't believe it . The moment they blink , one blink was enough for them to get totally upside down for them .

They were totally defeated by this new attack of the sirens .

Even their ultimate class ships were no match for the firepower of the sirens .

Yes with the ultimate class ships the humans stood a chance but in the end , siren came victorious . But the humans have get up from there ass cheeks . They started to protest and battle the sirens when their ass came to the wall .

At the present time ,

Anos held a meeting with the flagships and the admiral-kensens to analyse their battle tactics .

" So this is this the worse kind of situation we are in . Sirens attack are started to get more and more tactical . They are using their brains alright and it seems they are more advanced then ours " anos said as he looked at the holographic in the middle of the round table .

" So what's the plan ?" Charles asked as he looked at the supreme admiral of the azur lane .

" The plan is simple but effective . The sirens next attack and target will be definitely be the California and the Hiroshima " anos said . As he roasted the holographic earth to show them .

" They are two of the most powerful countries still standing . With the highest navy we have . So sirens will definitely wipe them out first "

" So anyone defending them ?" Jean asked .

' yes . I have sent Brest and Champaign there to defend Hiroshima . " Richelieu said making charles proud of his wife

" I have already sent graf zeppelin and Friedrich at the California . Their navy and kensen soldiers should be enough to make sure the sirens are out " bismarck said as she looked at that holographic earth .

Anos nodded " the next thing is we need to worry about is our b-" before anos can say anything , the whole island shook .

" What the hell ?" Enterprise said as she looked at the celling .

" No....what the hell happened ?" Niko asked as he stood up from his seat .

Suddenly a ship girl came into the room " sir ! Our base is under attack . The sirens they are here !!" She yelled catching the admiral kensens and the others afrsif and terrified at this .

The sirens are here which was impossible.. the base was completely filled with net disturbance rader and have many camouflage techs.

It should be impossible for even the humans to see them with eyes let alone finding them in a rader .

When they went outside it was a disaster .

The sirens were actually attacking with higher fire power and almost killing all ship girls and boys .

" Shite retreat !!" A male kensen yelled .

" Jason on yorh right !!" A kensen yelled as she was about to protect her brother . But the boy was ripprd apart by the humanoif siren ..the admirals and flagships quickly launched them self into the battle .

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