chapter 13 . true identity

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Enterprise looked around on her bed in the infirmary. She looked around as she sat down on her bed .

She looked to her left to see anos sitting on a sofa . He looked at her .

" You are wake . Good " anos said as he smiled at his wife .

Enterprise smiled and nodded " I am " her smile turned into a frown . Her hands gripped on the sheet .

" Nj shocked me without me noticing . " Enterprise said with an angry face . Anos sighs .

Enterprise noticed he was somekind of worried , frustrated .

He looked thinking about something . Enterprise noticed it . She didn't let it slide .

" Anos....are you alright " she loved anos mors than her daughter and her life . So she would always be there for him .

Anos nodded . " No you are not fine anos . Please *holds his hands* I am can tell me " enterprise said as she gave him an assuring smile .

Anos was troubling keeping it out . He looked at his wife . " Fine is controversial.... It is complicated "anos said . He started to explain what yamato told him before .

Time skip brought you by chibi Alpha and evos fighting for a piece of pizza .

After hearing what anos had to say , enterprise looked down . She looked at her hands . She was feeling something . Regret....

She have done something wrong to someone who was fighting for her safety . She had done very very wrong to that person . And to think it was her son .

Her guilt rose . Her regret became more and more stronger . " This whole time.....I am ...I am just a damn bad father....." Anos said as he looked down in shame . He was also feeling immense guilt for hurting evos like that . He gave his own son a wound that would never ever , heal .

He is so ashamed of himself . Enterprise was no better . She wasn't not in herself . Back then . She didn't know what made her act like this . But she did....she didn't know why but she did .

Her mind was telling her she was a piece of shite , a whore , fucked up bitch with no hier....

She was so lost . She know what she and anos have to do right now . Is to make it up to evos one way or another. She had to . If she doesn't , she can never forgive herself .

Suddenly the door opened . Someone walked in . It was none other than Bianca . Enterprise was glade to see her daughter but when she looked at her face she saw , something that is ....well you can call , guilty , sadness . But she didn't ask Bianca what happend .

Bianca sat down on the sofa . " Mom...your wake . " She said with a gloomy tone .

Enterprise and anos both knew why Bianca was talking like this . She was sad that's why . And obvious reason to know but why , it was still unknown to them .

" Yes . I am sweetheart....what and your brother ?" The moment enterprise asked about evos , Bianca's eyes shoot up with light . She looked at her mother.

She wasnt sure if she should tell this to her family or not . But at the end she decided to say it .

" I...well we meet in the cafe " Bianca said as she looked at her mother and father . Anos looked at her .

" At cafe ...." Anos said . Enterprise was also curious in what happend in the cafe . Bianca started to explained what happened in the cafe .

After the explaination . Brought you by chibi NJ playing chess with chibi Friedrich .

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