chapter 17 , what are you prepared to sacrifice

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"darkness is just a matter of perspective . Just how you see it . Embrace it or let it embrace yourself.

- Evos .

Alphas body lay defeated . Evos was stand before the dead siren .

He lowered his cannons as he looked at the body . He felt something through his body .

His time was clicking .

98%.... suit failure detected , rebote status : not available . Tactical failure detected . Life span : critical.

Evos pov .

I heard the voice of the suit ai . I smiled sadly . Alpha was dead and my dead was coming . I just defeated the emotions and now I am now the soul who is just counting his time .

But there is something I shall do ...before I can even shut down my eyes . " Open ...portal to the location alpha . Cord : -67487 . Location : outer space "

I said . The suites interface took my voice command and started to work

" Rebote completed . Life energy on use. Opening portal on location alpha. Ai voice : good luck Evos."

Ohh the ai is giving me farewell . Okay . The blue portal opened . I was about to step inside but something inside of me snapped . My eyes gone dark .

99%.... suit failure detected , rebote status : not available . Tactical failure detected . Life span : critical.

To the azur lane fleet .

The whole azur lanes cheer fell silent . Enterprise heard was pounding. Her face was saying it . She was not liking it at all . " Anos ...w...what is going on !?" Enterprise asked as she looked at anos .

Anos sighs . He knew what was going here .....the final moment .

Anos spoke as he described everything to entrprosw .

Some broke down hearing the explanation , some passed out . Some was shocked and stunned .

They all could not deny the fact that this ...was devastating moment for them all . " ! are joking !!" Enterprise asked as she grabbed the collar of her husband " h..he can't die !! He just can't !!!" Enterprise yelled as she looked at anos with her eyes defying the concept of contentment . Her eyes became red from crying .

" I ..I am saying the truth ...I am saying the truth . There is no denying of this ....I...I am sorry ..." Anos said as he hugged enterprise trying to keep her calm . Bianca was

Speechless . Her brother gonna die and this how . She felt her feet gone numb as she stumbled backwards . But Kevin caught her " b...a...are you okay ? " Kevin asked . She could say anything . Her eyes became a small river of water , tears of pain .

Hornet looked above to see .......what she hopes she would not see . A large monster ....a large demon . Bigger than the world of earth itawlf . The monster or it was simply

 The monster or it was simply

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