chapter 11 , confrontation

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The four battle ships arrived in evos's location where they found him extremely bloody and bleeding .

He was bleeding from the torso and it was bad.  Nj was concerned and she kneeled down .

" Let me see the wound !" Nj panicked and she quickly started to examine the wound . She saw the wound was deep and it seemed like it got opened up . She used her healing powers. 

Evos was quite stunned and amazed to see this . He never saw any kensens doing this ever . He saw her hands were glowing blue as she healed the wound

" ..." Evos let out a small whimper of voice of amaze .

Nj smiled . She saw the wound was being healed . She had fate in her abilities " don't worry . I can heal it "

" thanks " evos said .

" How in the world you get this wound ? How . And what are you wearing evos ?"

Yamato asked a wave of questions at evos .

Evos lookes at his old idols and he sighs . He knew they have a lot of questions regarding his situation . So he was calm and quite and was willing to answer those all .

" I ..well it is a long story " evos said .

Yamato understood that her ways of question the child was a pretty hard one . So she decided to calm herself first .

' we understand.... But evos " she said .

Nj almost healed the wound as she let it got . The wound was fixed and the suite also repaired itself much to her surprise .

Yamato kneeled down and said " please ....come home with us evos " yamato said . 

Evos was a bit shocked but he decided not to show it . He sighs and he knew it was coming at his way .

He shooked his head " no....." Evos gave them a straight forward and a single cold answer . Yamato and others were shocked to hear this answer . Cus they were not expecting this coldness from the usual warm and kind Evos .

" Why....?"

Evos looked away from nj . " You all know why....cuz of them " evos said .

None talked a word now . Yamato sigh . The rain haven't stopped yet . They all know it won't stop anytime sooner . But it was a relaxing environment for this type of talk .

" But evos you don't have anywhere else to go ." Wales put down a point . A reasonable one . For them cuz they didn't know what evos was gonna do now .

Evos still shooked his head . He looked back at Wales . " I know . I know . But.....there is this one mission only I can complete..." Evos said ..

The word about a mission only he can complete. This was getting interesting .

" What mission evos ? Who gave you this mission ?" Rossiya asked .

Evos looked at Rossiya. He sighs . He needs to tell them why he is here . Why he is doing this . Why he is wearing the suite .

" I have to kill the alpha siren ..."

The environment froze . The whole time froze . Everyone frozed.  Evos was talking about killing the alpha siren .....was he insane .

No he was sane . He had his sanity .

" T...the alpha siren ?" Rossiya asked being absolutely shocked and stunned at this revelation. 

" E...evos are you hearing yourself . Alpha siren , you killing it ! Are you sane or just lost it !" Yamato a bit overreacted it but it was all natural for her to do so . Cuz evos was her nephew she won't just let him get killed .

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