chapter 15

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Shawn's p.o.v

Soon Hayes and Alexsia got to the hospitle . We were all waiting until Isabella woke up . The doctor came out .

"What happened doc."

"Isabella just fainted because of how hard the hit was but she is awake now"

"Can we see her?"

"Of course "

We all went in the room and i saw her small fragile body laying there , i noticed that she had a bruise on her right jaw . I couldn't bare look at her hurt . Just because of Taylor and that stupid ass slut . Taylor can be a jerk at times .

Isabella's p.o.v

I woke up soon everyone was in the room . Everyone's face was so sad looking but two faces caught my eye Shawn's and Taylor's. Taylor's face look of sorrow . Shawn's face looked mad when he saw Taylor but when saw me it looked liked Taylor's.

"Can i be alone with Faith please"

They nodded and left.

" Faith .... i don't know what to do ?"

"With Shawn and Taylor?"


"Well baby girl your just confused right now ."

" I know but i need to tell you something !"

"Yea what is it "

"I am completely in love with the one and only Taylor Caniff, i don't care that he hit me i know im going to forgive him but what he did is so wrong , but i have feelings for shawn too."

"Look im not going to say that im mad at what Taylor did because i am , just hang out with both and see who you really love ."

"Okay can you call in Taylor please i want to talk to him."


She got up and left to go get Taylor. Soon Taylor came in

"Taylor i wanted to just say that-"

i was cut off by Taylor

" No ! don't say anything princess , look im a jerk for what i did to you and im super sorry i don't know what got in me . I really didn't mean to kiss that slut . I swear to god that i didn't mean it . I really wish that i can go back in time and fix things up with you . I really do . Isabella Roberts im super sorry will you forgive me?"

"Yes Taylor i do forgive you but if you lay a hand on me i will beat the shit out of you which i still am"

"hah okay i will let you do anything for you, Isabella i am i love with you"

"Im in love with you too "

He leaned in and kissed me but i pulled away .

"Taylor but i also think i have feelings for Shawn."

"Um okay ima give you time to think about things , which im sticking that your going to end up with me hah"

" hah your a dork "

"But im you dork"

"Hah shut up and call Shawn in for me."

He laughed and called Shawn , he came in and sat down.

"How are you feeling bells "

"Im okay , Shawn look i -uh i love Taylor but i have feelings for you and i decided that i will hang out with both of you and see who i really want to be with."

"Okay bella i just want you to be happy in your life "

"Thank you Shawn for understanding"

"Anything for you"

he kissed my cheeck and the doctor came in and let me go home.
We then left to the hotel and i went to sleep.

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