chapter 37

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Bella's p.o.v

I decided well me and Taylor decided to press charges with that guy. we walked to the police station and we reported the guy. we walked to Starbucks and I told Taylor that I was going to call faith. he said okay an I went outside . I was searching for her contact .

one ring

two rings

I felt someone snatch my phone and throw it on the floor completely breaking it. I looked up it was him. that murder.

"I have you all too myself . your so sexy my little hoe"

"Shut up and let me go."

"never I will never your mine and only mine."

He then put a cloth an I felt dizzy . I felt my self get sleepy. then I heard

"Leave her . Bella baby I will find you"

I shift and turn. I open my eyes and and it was dark. I got or tried to get up but I was tied to the bed. I screamed and kept moving . finally he came in.

"look who's awake my baby Isabella."

"shut the hell up I'm not your baby"

he slapped me and said

"don't fucking talk to me like that"

I rolled my eyes and said

"can you at least untie me I have to go pee"

"ok I guess"

he untied me and I sit down on the bed and he's taking off the rope from my other arm. I stand up and he in front of me . I knee him and I knee his stomach and run I close the door and find my way out . I found the door and I heard him coming . I ran as fast as I can and saw It was empty . I found my way out of the woods and I stopped for a while I was tired. I heard crunches. I stay quiet and I hear them getting louder and I hear

" I found you"

I screamed and I yelled for help. He got me and put me over his shoulder. I began to cry and try to fight back . we made it back to this hellhole and he closed the door and he pushed me on the bed and he begins to kiss my neck .

"Stop please"

he then starts taking off my clothes

"Stop leave me alone "

next thing I know

he rapes me


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