Isabella Roberts was a normal 16 year old. Her and her cousin bought tickets to see the magcon boys. Faith( isabella's cousin) instanly fell in love with the one and only Matthew Lee Espinosa. Isabella in the other hand instantly fell in love with t...
"Aria come on baby you have to get up for school." I say to my baby who's in kindergarten.
"Mommy I don't want to go to school"
"I'm sorry you have to come on guess who's coming to visit after school."
"Yayyy" she got up and hugged me. I changed her into a pink long sleeve with black jeans and her black uggs. I put her little coat on and I did her hair
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Her hair was curly. It's cute . I had straight hair I don't know where the hell she got her hair from. Maybe her grandma. I smiled thinking of my mom. We went downstairs and I gave her the pop tarts she wanted and served her milk. She's growing up so fast. She 4. Going to be five next week. We are thinking of throwing her a party.
"Are you ready baby?" I asked her.
"Yes mommy" I picked her up and kissed her cheek. I brushed her teeth and she grabbed her backpack and we got into the car. She got in her seat and I put her seatbelt on. I tickled her and she giggled. I kissed her cheek and I got in the drivers seat. We then headed to Faiths house. I beeped and Faith came out with Gabriel and his seat. She put his booster seat and put his seatbelt on. She came hugged him and went back inside. I waved at her and we left.
"Gabriel are you ready to come to Aria's party next Saturday?"
"Yea auntie Bella"
Gabriel is now in 2 grade. He's getting big too. We finally got to school and they gave me a kiss on the cheek. I saw as Gabriel walked Aria to her class. Just like every normal day. Or so I thought. I was headed home when I got a phone call.
"Baby!" "Taylor!" "What are you doing?" "Driving home" "Oh so I called you to let you know that I love you so so much" "Haha I love you very much Tay-"
I then lost control and all I remember was the car flipping.
(Taylors p.o.v)
I was on the phone with Bella when I heard her scream and then the phone went dead. I hurried and got all my stuff from work and told the manager I had to go. He asked me why and I told him it was personal. I my self didn't know what was going on. It was as if everything was in slow motion. I got in my car and went to find friends. I went to the location and yep. There was my baby's car. I ran off the car and went up to the police officer.
"What happened, is she okay, I need to see her."
"Sir she got in an accident but we are going to take her to the hospital"
( 2 hours later)
I've been waiting in here for two hours and nothing. I know nothing. It was almost time to pick up Aria from school so I decided to call Faith.
"Hey Faith?" "Hey Taylor.? Have you been crying?" "Yes um Bella got into a car accident and I'm waiting to here something from the doctors but nothing I just called to see if you can pick up Aria?" "Omg please let me know when you know something. And yea don't worry about Aria she's in good hands" "Thanks fai-"
"For mrs.caniff"
"I will call you back Faith"
I hung up and walked up to the doctors.
"Mr.caniff I'm sorry to tell you that Bella has a few minutes of life right now we tried the best we could"
I cried and went in the room. My baby.. my all. She was dying. I went up to her and hold her hand. She looked at me and gave me a weak smile.
"Taylor I love you so much take care of Aria and thank you.. for everything. I love you so much"
"Bella I love you too and your the love of my life I wish things didn't end like this"
"Taylor tell Aria that I love her and baby your the love of my life. Everything In my life was unexpected I love you tay-"
She was cut off. My life. She's gone.
The end I know the ending sucks but I had to bring it to an end I'm writing other stories