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Bella's p.o.v

I woke up with Taylor next to me. I kissed his cheek and was about to get up, until Taylor pulled me back down

"stay with me"

"Taylor I got to go to the bathroom"

"stay with me"

"okay if I pee on the bed don't whine"

he immediately let go and said go. I laughed and went to the bathroom I brushed my teeth and used the bathroom. I got out and I later next to Taylor again.

"Taylor I'm gunna get a new look, I'm going to do my nails and new hair so hat do you think."

"babe It's fine with me "

"okay babe "

I kissed his lips softly and he kissed back immediately. he started tugging on my lip and it started to get heated fast ..... I mean like really fast! I pulled away and put the girls in a group chat.

B: you guys down??

F: for what?

B:MALL!! 😫

K: Yes!

A: I can't! I'm going to go see Hayes in North Carolina, I miss my bae💕😭

B:wbu mahogany.


B: ight be ready by 12

I ended the group chat and started getting ready . I went in the shower and put my outfit on.( on top^) I slipped on my shoes and I got my purse and said bye to Taylor. I walked out and waited for the girls in the lobby soon they came and we left first I wanted to do my hair so we went there first. I decided to get an ombré I dyed it black and ombre it with grey. The lady straightened my hair and we left to go do our nails. We all decided to get our nails done .

Mahogany's: black cat nails

Kim's: peach with silver glitter on ring finger(cat nail)

Faith's: black cat nails and on ring finger a outline of a triangle(white) with a small rinestone on the tip.

Me: white cat nails with silver glitter on ring finger

I tipped the lady and we left. it was currently 4:36pm so we went to the mall to top it all off.

{after mall}

We were now all in the elevator with at least 5 bags on each hand. I went in the front 'cause I hate elevators. I got stuck in one once. it opened and I was the first one out. I went in my room and saw Cameron and Matthew talking in the bathroom. I walked in and saw Cameron had a large cut on his shoulder


" um, this girl,she cut me "

"why Cameron"

" 'cause I was talking bout how I should ask Kim on a date and she heard and got mad and cut me."

"aw your going to ask her on a date"


i smiled and nodded and felt like laying on the floor just thinking about stuff. about my baby. Taylor. if we would be a great family. I'm thinking about asking Matthew and Faith to be the grandparents. My stomach has grew, it's noticeable now. I felt my eyes starting to close and I let sleep take me for so dreaming.

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