chapter9: Date night

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I woke up on my bed with Taylor next to me.

"Hey , morning"


"Im gunna get ready k"


I got up went to the bathroom,brushed me teeth and put my hair in a messy bun.I waled downstairs and started making chocolate chip waffles for everyone. After i was done making waffles i went up to my room and was reading on wattpad.I heard them calling my name and i went downstairs.

"Who called me?"

"Me!"- shawn


"These are so good, i think i need to keep you as my girl"-shawn

"Hey shawn back off i already have my eyes on her"-Taylor

" Hah "

{After breakfast}

We were all ready and left on the black suv . We got to the hotel and decided to go to the pool. I didn't bring my bathing suit so i went in with and black bra and black underwear.

{After being at the pool}

We went back to the room and Taylor grabbed me

"Hey Bella?"


"Do you want to go on a date with me?"

"I would love too"

"I will pick u up at your house at 7"

"Okay, Bye taylor"


I hugged him and grabbed Faith and left home. We got a cab because i didnt bring my car.When we got home it was 5 so i got in the shower nd i shaved my legs.I got out and wrapped my hair in a towel and wrapped my body with a towel , I got out and put my bra ,underwear and spandex with a tank top



"Come help me choose an outfit for my date with Taylor!"

She was in my room in an instant. After 30 mins. we finally choose light blue skinny jeans, a galxy shirt that went to my sides showing my light purple bandeau. i put my galexy vans on with my galexy phone case. for my hair i curled it and for jewlery i put on a neckalace with a traingle and another one with a camera. i put on triangle earings and a cross ring. For my make-up i put on light pink eyeshadow and mascarra making my eyelashes dark and long. I grabbed my bandanna and put it on . Oh i almost forgot i need my pink lipstick. I put it on and heard the doorbell ring . Omg i was so nervous. Faith was about to open the door when i pushed her and and opened the door. I opened the door and saw Taylor thier with a black button up and khakis. with black vans. He had a bouqet of roses.


"Hey Taylor "

"These are for you" - he said handing me the flowers

"Thanks , hold up let me just put them in water and we will get going"

i turned around but Faith was standing there

" I will take these , go on your date"


Taylor then grabbed my hand and he opened the car door to the limo, and told the driver where to go Taylor took off my bandanna and put it on my eyes.

"Taylor what are you doing?"

"It's a surprise"

We got off the car and he took off my bandanna. I couldnt believe my eyes .


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