chapter 33

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Sofia's p.o.v

Last night when we went to the pool Nash asked me out on a date so here I am with the girls getting ready for our date. I put on some Red jeans and black flowy shirt with my black combat boots and Mahogany did my hair. And I did my make up. I put my black small combat boots and I was ready. Nash soon came and we left.

30mins later

we got to the beach . I sat on the sand and took of my boots and socks . I put my feet in the sand and rolled up my jeans . I got up and Nash was behind me. I put my feet in the water and Nash hugged me from behind as we saw the sum setting. we played around for like 2 hours until he said

" I have a surprise for you"

"What is it"

"Come on"

I grabbed his hand and we gathered our stuff and left to wherever he was taking me. we walked for 10 minutes and we got up to a small cute food place. we say at a table and we ordered our food and just talked . like if it was the first time. everything was perfect

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