Chapter 18

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Bella's p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of moaning. Wtf I got out the room and noticied it was coming from Taylor's room I started getting scared. I just stared at the door

"Oh you hear them to"

I turned around and saw Taylor. oh thank god. In the back I noticed all the boys .

T- Bae there staring

B- What?

I looked down and saw I was in a black spandex and white sports bra. I started blushing and just knocked on the door
it opened to Shawn and his new girlfriend he had a hickey. I grabbed his hand and Taylor followed me I grabbed my make up and we went to the bathroom

B- Sit on the counter

S- Why

B- Just do it

He nodded and sat on the counter. I started blending it to his skin so it won't be noticeable

T- Zayum Shawn! you got some

I playfully his his chest and Shawn smiled

B- Shawn what are the fans going to say

S- Sorry I wasent thinking

B- Just be careful next time

He nodded and I finished putting make up on him.

B- Kay your done

we went back to my room but Shawn left. with his girlfriend.

B- what time is Magcon

A- It's at 2:30 and it is 1 right now so I think you should start getting ready.

B- Yea your right I should get ready

I put on a tie dye shirt that said "dance all night " with a white bandeau. I put on blue ripped jeans and folded them I put my kitty socks nd my white vans . I curled the ends of my hair nd put a purple flower headband on . I got my sunglasses and we headed out. We got in the limo and went to the event .We got out and were soon crowded with fans in the parking lot. We went in the hotel and went back stage we did sound check and were set. I went up to Cameron and Faith

B- Hey

F- Hey what up

C- Yea what up

B- Are you guys gunna tell the fans that you guys are brothers and sisters.

C- I don't know if Faith wants that attention

F- well I don't want to get hate

B- look all of us get hate including me cause I'm with Taylor but look I'm fine and I'm happy being part of Magcon .

C- Yea Faith , look at Bellz she is fine going through hate and you know her more than anyone . so if your ready I'm perfectly fine with it.

F- Yes I'm ready.

Slowly Mahogany started saying everyone's name

M- Next the one and only Isabella Roberts!!!!

I ran out and waved at fans and went on stage . I gave Cameron a look and I said

B- Hey! how is everyone doing !! well we have some news for you but we need someone special to me to come on stage and she is Faith, Faith Dallas! come on stage!

She came on stage and and then I said

B - Okay some of u might be confused and yes I said it right Faith Dallas . Cameron and Faith are brothers and sisters so yea. I smiled and said Lets get started

{After Magcon}

We went to the hotel and everyone went their separate ways. Taylor , me, Faith and Matthew went to mine and Faiths room and hung out we were messing around and having a good time. we got to bed and slept. I felt Taylor going through my hair. I smiled and fell asleep.

{ Morning }

I got up running to the bathroom . I leaned over the toilet and threw up someone then grabbed my hair . I looked up and saw Matthew . I kept throwing up.I finished and brushed my teeth and put my hair in a messy bun I sat on the sink.

B- I thought you were Taylor

M- Nope

B- Anyways thank you

M- Your welcome , I'm used to it anyways cause of Faith.

B- You don't think I'm ....

M- I don't know Bella, look we will go to the doctors today and take the test okay, I see you as my sister and I am here for you.

B- Thank you, can we go right now.

M- yea lets go , let me go get dressed.

With that being said he left and I got some black joggers and Taylor's sweater. I put my chestnut uggs and grabbed my purse and got my phone and kissed Taylor's forehead I left outside and waited for Matt. He came out and we left. We finally went to the doctors and they did this test on me right were waiting for the results. The doctor came out and I ran up to him ,

B- so

D- Mrs. Roberts . congrats your expecting a baby !

B- I- Uh thank you I felt tears coming I ran to the car and we left we stopped at the parking lot of Starbucks

M- Hey , look at me ,okay look I know your 16 and pregnet but your not alone you have me and Faith.

B- What if Taylor doesn't want this kid what am I going to do I don't my baby to be without a dad.

M- don't cry I know you young but this is your baby coming from your blood and Taylor's . don't cry lets be white girls and get Starbucks

I laughed , Matthew always finds a way to get other people happy. we got off the put his arm around my shoulder we got our drinks and payed and left . I told Matt to let's go to target. we got off and I bought a white bag that was plain and Matthew helped me pick out 3 outfits a white one , blue and light yellow I got little white shoes and a card with paper tissue . we payed and got in the car. I wrote in the card ,it's your time , your going to be a dad with our baby! I put it on the bottom and took off the price of everything and put the onesis neatly and the shoes on top . I put the tissue paper and we got to the hotel I was so nervous we went in and saw Taylor on his phone on the bed and Faith in the kitchen making food .

T- Taylor I want to do this in front of Faith and Matthew so here .

I handed him the gift and he took out the shoes and he set them a side and the three suits and lastly he read the card.

B- Surprise baby

He ran up to me and hugged me picking me up from the floor. well at least he's not upset . he put me down and Faith went up to me and hugged me

F- Now there's two of us huh

B- Yea at least there going to be the best if kids and understand each other like us but hopefully won't be fighters when there young like how we used to be.

M- WAit you guys used to fight and hate each other and now you would do anything for each other

F- Yup.

T- Lets go to breakfast to celebrate! lets go to ihop

B- okay I'm ready go get ready me and Matthew are ready we are going to the roof txt me when your ready

with that being said me and Matthew left to the roof top.

M- You see he is happy

B- Yea I'm happy

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