Chapter 48

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Bella's p.o.v

Today was the day I was getting married you can see my baby bump growing but I didn't mind it because it my baby. I got my makeup and hair down and I finally slipped on my dress. I looked in the mirror and smiled at myself

I hear a gasp and I turn to see Faith holding Gabriel which looked so adorable in his tux

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I hear a gasp and I turn to see Faith holding Gabriel which looked so adorable in his tux.

  Faith- italics Bella-bold"You look amazing cousin I can't believe this is happing "

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Faith- italics Bella-bold
"You look amazing cousin I can't believe this is happing "

" I know it happened quick but I'm in love with him and I'm ready for a great adventure with him."

She hugged me and I kissed my nephew and he giggled. I then looked in the mirror one more time and looked down.

"What's wrong"-Faith
"I just thought that on my wedding day my dad was going to walk me down the aisle, that our parents would be here."-Bella
"Look I know it hurts but look on the bright side. Most of our family is here and the magcon family is here."-Faith

I heard a knock and saw Matthew come in. He had a huge smile on his face. He came to me and hugged me. I hugged him back and he asked if I was ready. I nodded my head. Faith left to her place. In case your wondering Matt is going to walk me down the aisle tonight. I heard the music start to play they opened the doors as I saw everyone stand up and look at me.

but all I can focus on was Taylor caniff my one and only

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but all I can focus on was Taylor caniff my one and only. The love of my life. The guy I fell in love with. I started tearing up as I got closer Matthew kissed my cheek and went to have a seat by Faith. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back with tears forming in his eyes. Then it started.

~40 minutes later ~

"- you may now kiss the bride"

Taylor so passionate an. Sweet. As we were walking down the aisle we waved to people and when we reached the doors white and red petals were thrown in the air.

 As we were walking down the aisle we waved to people and when we reached the doors white and red petals were thrown in the air

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We then went in the limo to take pictures. It was me, Taylor, Faith ,Matthew, and the baby was with Matthews mom. We then to a beautiful park to take pictures. The first picture was by myself on top of a bridge

Then Taylor by himself on top of the bridge as well

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Then Taylor by himself on top of the bridge as well. Then me and Faith, Faith and Matthew, Faith Matthew and the baby. Then me, Taylor and Matthews parents. Then we took a picture were We were holding Gabriel and we both kissed his cheek and he came out smiling surprisingly. It was adorable I love it. Another picture were Taylor was on one knee and kissed my belly. One were we were staring into each other's eyes and so on. After an hour I got a little hungry so we went to McDonald's. We got off and everyone told us congrats. I know we went to McDonald's but fuck it. When we ate we went to the venue and I was getting ready to make yet another entrance but this time with Taylor and Faith and Matthew. Once we got ready. We made and entrance. Our dj got everyone cheering.

"Okay folks get your camera recording because it time for the father daughter dance."

I looked at him saying no and I looked for faith and she smiled and pointed at the door. I give her a confused look and turned around and saw my dad walking down to me with my mom linking arms. I started to cry and he finally reached me and hugged them both. Then the song "my girl" by the temptations came on and we started dancing as we cried in joy.

"I missed you so much dad. I'm glad your here dancing with me"

"Anything for my baby. I know we had some arguments in the pass but I just want to say I'm sorry. Also I'm sorry we didn't make it in time"

"It's okay dad I forgive you "

I then put my head on his shoulder as we continued to dance as the song ended. "Photograph" by ed Sheeran came on and I danced with my mom. We talked and cried and then. We sat and faith and Matthew spoke. Then me and Taylor had our first dance as a married couple. "Thousand years" by Christina perri came on
(Play song now start song at 3:33)

Taylor grabbed my hand and smiled at me as he turned me and we started dancing. I stared in his eyes and kissed him and pulled away.
Taylor -bold  Bella -italics
"Taylor I want to tell you that I love you so much and I can't wait until we have this baby I know your going to be a great father and I know we will have ups and downs but our love is unbreakable so nothing will get in our way. I love you so much. I'm utterly in love with you I'm so lucky to have found you. I will love you for the rest of my life Taylor I love you. "

"Bella I love you so much more and I can't wait either baby. I know you will be a great mother to and I know we will have ups and downs but we will stick together no matter what I promise baby. I will love you forever and ever. Your are my forever and always. "



He kissed my forehead and he picked me up and spun me. He placed me down and kissed me.

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