Chapter 40

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Taylor's p.o.v

I was staring at the sunset thinking about our wedding day how it's going to go. I look by me and see my baby girl asleep . I get up and go to our room as I lay down with her as well. I close my eyes and sleep comes to me.
~ the next morning ~
I woke up and see my baby girl asleep so I decided to not wake her up and was thinking about going out to breakfast with her. After 30 minutes she opens her beautiful hazel eyes and smiles at me.

" good morning baby girl, how did you sleep?" -Taylor

"Good morning babe and I slept good "

"Wanna go to IHOP ?"


After I get up and help her up and we both start getting ready. She went to the bathroom and I saw her rubbing her belly with a sad face. I went up to her and put my arms around her waist and my head on her shoulder.

"Bella it will happen again I promise you "

" I know thanks Taylor I just miss my baby"

"And I understand I do too I was looking forward to it "

She gave me a weak smile and kissed my check and started putting on make up as I was looking at her I decided to ask her something .

~ Bella's p.o.v~

Taylor looked at me in awe while I was putting on make up and I thought it was so funny because he then asked me.

"Imagine what life would look like if guys wore make up" he then touched his face and pretended to know what he was doing

" Okay guys so I grab the liquid skin and put it on my face and blend it, then grab a dangerous ass looking thing and apply it to your lashes , you want them looking perfect for your bae. " he said in a girl voice I then start cracking up and start crying knowing I have the weirdest boyfriend ever.

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