Chapter 46

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3 months later
Bella's p.o.v
  It's been three months since me and Taylor have moved in and I'm nervous to tell him that I'm pregnant. He was at work right now and was going to come home in an hour. I was going to do the same thing I did before I was 2 months already and I haven't told him. I bought baby shoes and a blanket. I put the ultrasound in the bottom and put it under the bed. I heard the door open and I heard him. Okay Bella you can do this. I took a deep breathe in and  got it under the bed and went downstairs.

" Taylor sit down on the couch I have to tell you something"

"What happened baby"

I gave him the present and he looked at me funny. He opened it and he took out everything and he took out the picture. He looked like he was about to cry.

"Baby is this for real"

I nodded and waited for his reaction. He hugged me and kissed me.

"Your happy?"

"Of course baby"

"Im sorry I didn't tell you earlier i was just scared."

" I don't care I can't wait for him or her to be born"

I hugged him and decided that we should go visit my new nephew Gabriel. Yes Faith had her baby boy already. He's looks like Matthew a lot. He is so adorable. He is two months. When he was born I found out I was pregnant. We drove to my old house. And I opened the door and said bitches I'm here. Faith came with the baby in her arms looking tired af. I took the baby from her hands and told her to go rest. She nod her head and headed up. We went to the living room where Matthew was.

" hey Matt."
"Hey guys, how's it going?"
"It's going good "

We sat down and started admiring the baby that was in my arms imagining when my baby was here, how good of a mother I would be. I looked at Matthew and he smiled at me and gave me a questioning look and glanced at Taylor. I nodded my head.

" so your ready to be a dad Taylor"-Matt
"Of course I am I'm happy also our wedding is in a month and your my best man I'm excited to be in this adventure with the love of my life. "

   I smiled at him and looked down at the baby again.

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