Isabella Roberts was a normal 16 year old. Her and her cousin bought tickets to see the magcon boys. Faith( isabella's cousin) instanly fell in love with the one and only Matthew Lee Espinosa. Isabella in the other hand instantly fell in love with t...
I woke up and went on my phone. Today we are all going to Disneyland. I was so excited me and Faith decided to match out babies. It was going to be so cute. I made egg and weenie and melted yellow cheese on top and warmed up a flour tortilla and put mayonnaise and wrapped it into a burrito. { not even playing it's really good} After we ate I wanted to be tumblr af so me and Taylor are going to be that cliche couple with out perfect little family. I take a shower and shave and leave my towel in my hair and I start doing my makeup. I decided on something really natural and I loved how it came out
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I dried my hair and put it into messy space buns.
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After I put black shorts and my shirt. And Taylor put his shirt on. I dressed Aria and she looked so adorable.
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After I went to the mirror and me and Taylor showed our shirts
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I went on Instagram and put the caption as " ✨Disneyland bounds💕" I took a picture of Aria and also post it with the caption " my favorite little princess 💕😊"
I locked my phone and grabbed my small Calvin Klein backpack and put diapers, phone charger, wallet and little suit for aria in case it gets cold and her formula and her little princess blanket. I grabbed my car keys and we all head down and on our way to Faiths house. When we got there I opened the door and saw Gabriel looking cute af.
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"Auntie bwella "
"Where's my handsome prince at"
"Right here" both Gabriel and Taylor say.
I playfully told my eyes at Taylor and hit his chest.
I gave Gabriel a kiss and Matthew comes downstairs.
"Bella Faith said that if you can braid her hair"
I head upstairs and go into Faiths room
"Hey bitch!" I say
"Sup hoe, braid my hair"
I start braiding her hair as we start talking about her wedding that's coming up. After I braid her hair I acknowledge her hair and makeup and outfit and I high five her.
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" damn bitch we looking fine af " I say smirking at her
"Hell yea, we are also family goals "
"You got that right"
We head downstairs and I see Matthew and Faiths shirts. It's cute
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We take their white SUV and get going to Disneyland. We are just jamming out to music and having fun. Once we get there we all pitch in for parking and we finally find parking. We get off and I get arias stroller out and put her seat on the stroller and Faith takes out Gabriels stroller as well. We walk down Disneyland and they check our bags and finally get through. We had to make a plan so that a couple can ride a ride and the other to take care of the kids. It's crazy thinking how having children is way different but I don't regret getting pregnant in my teenage years or getting married at a really young age. I'm 19 years old and I'm living life. I love my life and nothing nor anybody can change that.