Isabella Roberts was a normal 16 year old. Her and her cousin bought tickets to see the magcon boys. Faith( isabella's cousin) instanly fell in love with the one and only Matthew Lee Espinosa. Isabella in the other hand instantly fell in love with t...
It's exactly 1 year since me and Taylor got married and I can't be happier. My baby is born already and we named her Aria. She's so beautiful. She has my hazel eyes and Taylor's nose and my pump lips she's so pretty. Taylor was at work right now and me and aria decided to visit Gabriel and Faith.
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I get into my maroon matte Jeep Wrangler and put aria in her seat and start driving to Faiths house.
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Once I get there I open the door and see Faith sitting in the couch. "Hey we decided to visit"
"Hey nice to see you"
" auntie bewa" I hear little Gabriel say he can't say my name ha I think it's so cute.
"How's my favorite nephew doing?"
"Gwood "
I put him down and sat down on the couch and laid aria on the couch between me and Faith
" so how have you been?" -Bella "Good kind of stressed for the wedding what about you?"-Faith " I can help you out "-b "Thanks"-f
We started putting maroon small bows on top of the invitation and we put them in a fancy envelope. " so faith how are you and Matthew "
" um were good" she said like she wanted to cry
"Oh okay"
Faiths p.o.v
When Bella asked me how me and Matthew were. Tears were almost coming out but I said we were okay. In reality I found out he cheated on me. I found out when he came home and had red lipstick on his shirt. He came home drunk that day. And the next day I got a picture of him making out with a girl by an unknown number. After an hour or so Bella left and I put Gabriel to sleep. I started making spaghetti when I heard the front door shut. Matthew came in on the phone and he said I love you too.. I wonder who he is talking to.
"Who were you talking to?" " I was uh talking to my mom"
He kissed my cheek and went upstairs. I finished making dinner and I put some in a bowl and sat down by myself and was just thinking. After I finished eating I went to go check on Gabriel and there he was fast asleep. I kissed his forehead and went to the room. When I went in the room Matthew was already asleep. I put on my shorts and went in bed. I turned off the light and thought about why? Why did did he cheat on me. I start to question everything. Was I not good enough? Do I want to know the reason why he cheated on me? I put my thoughts aside and did what I do every night since I found out. I cried myself to sleep.