Isabella Roberts was a normal 16 year old. Her and her cousin bought tickets to see the magcon boys. Faith( isabella's cousin) instanly fell in love with the one and only Matthew Lee Espinosa. Isabella in the other hand instantly fell in love with t...
We were at the airport and everyone was posting snapchat i went on snapchat and saw Nash posted so I put it.
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Then Matthew sent me something.
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I texted him
Me -what are you talking about Faith ?
Matthew 💕😒- yes
Me- she's with us dummy
Matthew 💕😒- oh yea huh
I laughed and we finally boarded
~8 hours ~ We finally got to LA and we got a taxi and went to my and Faiths house. Once we got there we contacted friends that her gender release party was tomorrow. I went to my room and I loved it. I love my room.
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I got my laptop from my carry on and got on my bed. I was looking for apartments. It I don't know how many bedrooms Taylor wants. "TAYLOR!"
"Come "
I then heard footsteps and he came in my room.
"Babe how many bedrooms do you want. "
"How many kids do you want babe"
" i don't know three"
"Get a five bedroom with three garages. "
~1 hour later~
I found it. The perfect house for us. We set an appointment for next week. I went downstairs even though it was 7 I still don't have an outfit for the party tomorrow. I asked Taylor if he wanted to go to the mall. And he said yes so we left in my badass car.
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~after the mall~ I bought Faith a present so she can wear tomorrow. Once we got home I got Oreo cookies vanilla ice cream and milk and put it in the blender. After I got whipped cream and gave everyone some. I grab Faiths and went to her room.
"I got you something so you can wear tomorrow "
"Aww thanks let me see"
I showed it to her and she loved it she started crying and I laughed and went back to my room with Taylor after I brushed my teeth out on my pjs and fell asleep.