chapter 28

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Bella's p.o.v

After lex came we finished watching the movie and we went to sleep. since we were in my house and there was 5 bedrooms so we had to split up . In my room it was Me, Taylor and carter. Faiths room was her, Matthew and Aaron. Another room was Shawn, and the jacks. Another room was mahogany and Jacob . The last room was lex and Hayes. I got in my pjs and since I had a big bed all three of us slept there . It was me, Taylor and carter in the foot side.
I turned off the lights and fell asleep .

(next day)

I woke up and saw Carter wasn't here . I went downstairs and saw him in the couch. I shrugged and started making pancakes. I saw carter standing up and coming towards me.

"You ! kept kicking me so I had to come to the couch."

I laughed and continued to make pancakes . I told carter lets prank everyone. he agreed and we went to Hayes and lex first. I opened the door and saw them cuddling. it was cute. I told carter to scream and jump on the bed. he did as I said and they were confused. I told them to lets go to Mahogany's and Jacob and we did weird stuff last it was Taylor all the guys and girls were at the door. I went to the bed and made some groaning noise. I then screamed my water broke. Taylor shot up and said babe u okay I screamed and he got up and saw the guys recording and I just laughed and he pouted. I kissed his lips and said

"pancakes downstairs"

everyone ran downstairs and ate . it was now 11:35am so I texted Kim

To Kim bae💁: hey wanna go prom dress shopping today!

From Kim bae💁: for sure girl . have you told lex yet

To Kim bae💁: lmao no we will tell her at the mall ig😂

From Kim bae💁 : Kay see u soon.

To Kim bae 💁: Kay I will pick u up at 1:30

I locked my screen and told the girls that we are going shopping they were happy and we got ready.


it was 1:30 and we went to go pick up Kim . She hopped in my car and we left to this outside mall called Victoria Gardens. We went To Macy's and it was a whole store just for girls. it was FRICKIN awesome .
After hours we all got our dresses and we told lex. she seemed happy that she was going to prom. It was now 5 and we went to go get tacos✊ . we got home at around 7:36pm and we went to put our dresses in my closet . After that we went downstairs and saw the guys come in with their tuxs in there hands and went up stairs . I told them to put them in there own closets . Our dresses were in the back then it was my clothes and I told Taylor to put it I the front. he did and we went down stairs. it was now 8:30 and I told everyone to go to sleep because we have to wake up early to go finish decorating.
we went to sleep and I put my alarm for tomorow.

I woke up at 7:30 and I woke everyone up . we decided to go to ihop so we went .


after we ate we got to the venue to where the prom is gunna be at and we all pitched in and worked . of course me and faith got tired fast so we sat down. while everyone was working me and faith decide to go see if the flowers were ready by tomorrow. Me and Faith where walking and we saw the shop . we got there and went to the front.

"Hey um I was here 4 days ago and I talked to Christina. "

"Yes I will call her right now"

the lady went to the back and came back with Christina.

"Oh hi Isabella how can I help you."

"oh I was wondering if we can have the flowers by tommorow"

"Yes that will be perfect"

"Okay thank you I will come around 5 to pick them up thank you bye"

"bye "

we left and passed by subway . I got the guys some sandwiches and we walked back to the venue and it was almost done.they ate and it was 5 we went home and me and lex went to pick up Kim to buy cookie dough to make at home for everyone. we ended up buying so many bags of chips and sodas bc it was a Friday night so we got scary movies to watch at home we got the conjuring, insidious all parts, and the gallows. after the movies we all went to the rooms and slept with our baes except carter , Shawn ,Aaron and the jacks.. cuz they lonely af.

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