chapter 21

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Bella's p.o.v

(Next morning)

since we got here yesterday Magcon is in two days , so that is good cause I'm tired I woke up and went to the bathroom . I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a high messy pony tail. I got out and saw Matthew and Cameron in their bed sleeping . awe it's cute that there sleeping together hah . I saw that cameron was hugging Matt so I took a picture and posted it on Instagram .the caption was " Hah look I ship it catthew" I laughed and got a bowl of lucky charms and went on my phone . after I finshed I threw away the paper plate and went to Taylor's room. I knocked and saw Faith sleeping by herself and Taylor with Nash there was a space so I went in the middle and hugged Taylor I felt Nash put his arms aorund my waist and I tried not to laugh

" Nash go on ur side "T

I kissed his neck and said

"I'm not Nash "B

he turned around and said

"wow I'm glad that was not a dream" T

he smiled and kissed me. I felt Nash rubbing my tummy. I knew he was awake . Taylor saw his hand and he whispered in my ear "mine" I kissed him and said "yours".i turned to face Nash, kissed his cheek and said "morning "he smiled and said

"morning baby girl , how's the little baby doing "

"the baby is fine ,my stomach haven't grown so ik that good ."

"oh baby girl can I talk to the baby"

"yea of course"

he put my shirt up and kissed my tummy and said

"hey baby it's your uncle Nash here me and your mommy and daddy are going to take care of you so much I love , I can't wait to see what you are bye baby "

he kissed my stomach and put my shirt down .

"Nash don't call my girl baby girl"T

" Hah Taylor don't worry, I have my own girl back in Cali , Sofia ."N

"Hah okay "T

"awe you still with Sofia that's cute."B

"yea "N

"I ship it, sash"B

"I ship it to bro"T

{Afternoon }

right now it's 5 pm . everyone is in my room just hanging out and goofing off.

"Guys my friend is having a party tonight and he invited us"Matt

"okay so lets go"Aaron.

"okay every except mahogany , alexsia, and Faith get out"

everyone left and is girls just pick a dress for each of us.i hopped in the shower and got out after I was done. I blow dried my hair and curled it. . everyone finished showering and picking there outfits. I started doing faiths hair while mahogany did her make up after she was finished she went to the bathroom to change. next it was alexsia I once again did her hair and mahogany did her make up. Faith then came out wearing a floral skirt with a black crop top thing . lol (pic up above) with some pink heels she sat on the bed and took them off she said

"I'm not wearing these babies until we go inside the house , hah ima make Matt carry me."

I laughed at her response and alexsia went in the bathroom to change . she came out in a maroon simple but very cute short dress.( pic up above^) mahogany was doing her make up while I did her
hair( straight) mahogany changed into a short dress the skirt part was gold and the top was black.( pic up above^) I then went to change in my black long skirt with a black crop top. (pic up above^ or side>) we heard a knock and Aaron came in .

"you girls look beautiful"

we all said thank you an carried our heels while walking out the door. we got in the limo and left to the party oh by the way . Yes! the guys looked fine. but my Taylor looked bomb . I wanted to rip his clothes off then and there. haha but no .We finally got to the party and I put on my black heels , Faith put on pink ones , alexsia put on some peach ones and mahogany put some black ones . we got off the car and made our way to the house . all I saw was loud music, people dancing on each other, drunk people , and lastly people making out. of course . we went inside and soon lost most of the guys me and Taylor were holding hands and we went to sit on the couch . we got offered a drink but I said

"no! "

I was about to say I'm taking care of my baby here dumb butt but I forgot no one knows .

2 hours later

I saw cam dancing with this girl who had on a blue really cute dress with black wedges and he looked like he liked her a lot. they came and sat down next to us .( no they weren't always sitting if that's what you thought) lol anyways she said

"hey I'm Kimberly " she said sticking out her hand

I shook it and said

"hi I'm -"

"Isabella I know haha"

"oh hah, you should hang out with us tomorow since it is Magcon you can be with us you seem really nice , what do you say"

" yea sounds nice here put ur number in" she said handing me her phone I went to contacts and put my name as

"Da queen Bella👑"

I handed her phone back and saw she put her name as

"Kim bae💁"

I hugged her and said we gunna go I'll text you tomorrow okay"

"okay " she answered back I grabbed Taylor's hand and we went to the dance floor then the song " a drop in the ocean " came on and we slow danced to it he whispered in my ear

"babe you look really pretty "

"thank you tay , you look handsome yourself"

"Even with heels your still shorter than me" he giggled

" Hey! it's not my fault I'm short ahah "

" I know babe lets leave already it's late"

"yea my feet are killing me "

"I'll carry you babe"

I texted all the guys to go to the hotel and they said that they will go in 10 mins . Taylor carried me bridal style to the limo and we sat inside . Taylor rubbed my tummy and kissed my lips . he put his forehead on mine and said I love you I said it back and soon all the boys came in and girls. we soon left back to the hotel.

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