chapter 32

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Bella's p.o.v

Today we are all going to the mall . right now I was in the hotel room and we were all ready to go .

{at the mall}

"Okay what store first" -Bella

"Forever 21"-Kim

"Kay lets go"-Bella

we went to the store and we bought some cute clothes. I bought a big sweatshirt and some black leggings. we paid and we then went to pacsun. I bought some sunglasses and the girls bought .. I don't frickin know what they bought. we then went to the vans store and bought some shoes. well I didn't I wanted to buy some nikes . we went to foot locker next and I bought some all black Nikes after that we were hungry so I told the girls to get a table and I told Sofia , and mahogany to come with me to get food. I was really craving some Panda Express so we went in line their. I was on my phone going through twitter until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a girl our age and she had brown hair and was medium size and she was very pretty. ( sorry Andrea I don't Know how u look)

"Hi my name is Andrea and I noticed that you guys are part of Magcon."-Andrea

"Oh hi Andrea and yea we are"

"can I get a picture of you."

"Yea of course."

we took a picture and she gave me her twitter an I followed her and we kept on talking till we order our food. I actually invited her to come eat with us and she was so happy. this is what I love doing making people happy. she was actually pretty nice . I found out that she had a crush on Shawn and I thought maybe she can meet him. so after we ate we went to shop a little more until I got tired and we left.

{at the hotel}

we came in to a empty hotel room. I then texted Taylor.

To My prince 🙊: Aye where are you guys?

I locked my screen and I got my self a cup of cold water. I felt my phone vibrate and it was Taylor .

From My prince🙊:me and the guys came to the arcade that is in the hotel . come I miss my two babies.

I Locked my screen and told the girls where they were. we went in the elevator and I hold on to Andrea cause I hate elevators. we finally came to a stop and I linked my arms with Andreas and we went to the arcade. we saw the guys and I went up to Shawn first .

"Aye Shawn "


"Okay this is Andrea and she wanted to meet u and now here she is bye"

I left them talking and I saw she was shy and then I left with Taylor.

"Hey Taylor "

"Hey babe how are my two babies doing."

"we are good. oh that reminds me we have a doctors appointment to see what the gender is when we get back to Cali."

"Yes finally I see what my baby is gunna be ."

I laughed and gave him a kiss . we then all played and we went back to go to the pool.

Andreas p.o.v

Me and Shawn were talking about random stuff. he is so sweet and nice . we were going to get in the pool but luckily I bought a bathing suit at the mall. lucky me. we went in the elevator . and I was so happy I went to the mall today . they are actually pretty nice all of them . I came here with my family for vacation. I live in California and Im leaving tomorrow. we went in the room and we changed . faith an Bella weren't gunna get in so we left. I was sitting by Bella and Faith when they asked me a question

"So I saw you and Shawn hitting it off . you like him don't you."

"Yea I do but I don't want to go out with him right now because he will probably think that I am dating him for his fame and stuff but that's is not him. I came in here as a fan and I loved him but now that Im talking To him I see him differently. I don't see him as Shawn Mendes the singer . I see him as Shawn Mendes a regular17 year old boy"

"Aw that is cute. "

I blushed and saw Shawn looking at me and smiling I smiled back and looked down. I looked back up and he told me to come in so I took off my shirt and shorts and jumped in the pool. Shawn then swam to me and he stared in my eyes.

"I heard what you said."

"Oh um you did"

"Yea I did"

"Oh well what I said wa-" I was cut off by his lips on mine

I pulled back and smiled . this day couldn't get any better.

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