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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island, the competitors were forced to conquer their deepest, darkest fears. Not all of them succeeded, but others surprised the group and faced their fears head-on. In a shocking twist, Tyler let the bass down when he was too "chicken" to face the chicken. Get it? *laughs* and it was buh-bye, Tyler. Once again, The Bass find themselves behind. Can they pull this one out of the water? Find out today on Total Drama Island!

By the sand (I don't fuckin know?)

Chris: Bass, Gophers, today's challenge is a true summer-camp experience, a canoe trip. You'll be padding your canoes across the lake... *Spooky Voice* To Bony Island. *Normal voice* When you get there, you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island, which is about a two-hour hike through treacherous, dense jungle.

Geoff: We've got to pour what?

Chris: "Portage."


Fly: *Buzzing*

Chris: Dude, walk with your canoe.

Geoff: Oh.

Chris: When you arrive at the other end of the island, you'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by me. The first team to paddle home and return their canoes to the beach is the winner of invincibility. Move, Campers! Move!

As everyone runs by him, Chris remembers something.

Chris: Oh, wait. One more thing I should mention. Legend has it, if you take anything off the island, *Spooky Voice* You'll be cursed forever.


Owen: Yeah! A cursed island. Woo!

Chris: Now get in your canoes, and let's have some fun.

Owen: Yes!

And with that everyone left to go to the canoes.

Toilet flushes

Beth: *Runs up to Chris* What'd I miss?

Chris: Canoes. *Points*

She runs to where he pointed at.

Y/n's Pov

I'm currently walking down the stairs to get to a canoe.

Diana: *Wraps her arm around Y/n* Hey Y/n~ Want to be partners?

Y/n: I'm down.

Diana: *Smiles* Let's go.

She grabs my arm and drags me to a red canoe. Diana jumps in the canoe.

Diana: Push it.

I roll my eyes and start pushing the canoe into the water. Once the canoe is in the water, I jump in and start using one of the oar's and start paddling.


Everyone is in a canoe wait for Chris to give out a signal.

Chris: On your marks, get set... *Gunshot* Paddle!

Everyone starts paddling.

Diana: So Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

She leans close to my ear for no one else could hear.

Diana: When are you going to fuck me?

Y/n: What?! Where did that come from?

Diana: So who's next on the list? You already got Heather, Courtney, Eva, Katie.

Y/n: How do you that?

Total Drama Island x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now