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Y/n's Pov

Y/n: Zzzzz.

I feel something brush against my nose. I wipe my nose to feel something jump on my stomach. I open my eyes to see a rabbit.

Y/n: What the hell?

Heather: Ah! Who's that? Where are we?!

I finally see that we're outside in the forest.

Diana: How did we get here?

Gwen: Chris?

Y/n: *Sighs* This is going to be a stupid challenge.

Chef: Everybody just shut up!

We look up to see Chef holding onto a rope ladder that's connected to a helicopter.

Chef: How you got here is not your concern! 

He then lands on the ground. The helicopter flies off.

Gwen: What happened to Chris?

Chef: None of your gosh-darn business what happened to Chris. I'm in charge now, and I'm gonna make you wish you were never born. Your mission is to find your way out of the forest or die trying.

We all get out of our bunks.

Heather: You can't be serious. We will die.

Chef is now holding two duffle bags

Chef: Here's how it works. Team one-

He then throws the bag to me. I then catch it.

Chef: Delinquent and hot shot. Team two-

He then throws the bag to Gwen. She catches it.

Chef: Grim and Grimmer. Everything you need is in these bags. You'll navigate your way north to base camp. The first team to tag the camp totem pole wins. And here's a tip. Better set up camp before sundown, because once nightfall hits, you won't even see your trembling hand in front of your terrified face unless you got night-vision goggles. *Pulls out the goggles* but you don't. *Laughs*

Diana then runs up to Chef and pulls on his apron.

Diana: Oh, please, please, don't leave us here. I'm beggin you. We won't survive!

Chef pushes her off of him.

Chef: Grab a hold of your gut, soldier!

She then walks back with a small smile on her face.

Y/n: I can't wait to be a full course meal for a grizzly.

Chef: Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. You'll wish you saw a grizzly once you meet up with old Sasquatchanakwa. He's one mean mamma jamma. 

The helicopter comes back and Chef grabs the rope ladder.

Gwen: *Gasps*

Chef: Good luck, troops! Try not to die! *Flies off*

Then out of nowhere, two grapplers come down and picked up the bed from the ground.

Y/n: There goes my sanctuary.

Heather: This isn't legal! You can't do this!

Diana: Hey, peaches, file it with the network lawyers. 

She then grabs my shirt and starts running into the forest.

Heather: Where do they think they're going?!


Diana and I are still running.

Y/n: Why are we still running?

Total Drama Island x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now