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So this is going to be two episode in one chapter since this Search and Do Not Destroy is going to be short for the Reader.

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island, the teams were dissolved, leaving each and every camper to look out for number one. And just to add a little more "Drama" to the mix, Eva and Izzy return for more fun. The Campers were made to suffer all manner of abuse in the "No Pain, No Game" Challenge. In an act of chivalry, Geoff stepped up to save "his" girl from the perils of the Leech barrel. And in a deft display of log rolling, a grisly got a piranha haircut winning Leshawna invincibility for that Challenge and next week as well. Now that the Campers are forced to defend for themselves, who will be selfless, who will be selfish, and who will eat Shellfish? Stay tune for the most thrilling episode yet, on Total Drama Island.

Y/n's Pov

I'm peacefully sleeping-



I throw my blanket off of me and get up

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I throw my blanket off of me and get up. I make my way to the front door.


I look over to my left to see that Eva doing the same thing.

Y/n: Great minds think alike, huh?

Eva: Not right now Y/n, I'm not a morning person.

She walks back inside her cabin.

Y/n: Can't wait to live with her. *Smiles*



The rest of the Campers and I, are sitting down looking at Chris dressed up as Pirate.

Chris: *Talking like a Pirate* Well, my little, scallywags, have we got an adventure in store for ye?

His fake parrot then tips over. Chris then puts it back into place.

Geoff: What's under the sheet?

Chris: All in good time, laddie. Who here has a hankering for a good old-fashioned treasure hunt?

Gwen: Hmm.

Chris: Now this treasure hunt's got a twist, mateys. What you're looking for isn't hidden, and isn't treasure.

Diana: If there's no treasure, then what's with the eye patch and the plastic parrot?

Chris: Arr, shiver me timbers. *Throws the Parrot away* Good question, me girl. You're looking for keys to a treasure chest.

Chef takes off the cloth, to reveal three chest.

Chef takes off the cloth, to reveal three chest

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Total Drama Island x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now