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Chris: Previously on Total Drama Island. Campers had to build their own hot wheels in a motocross challenge to race for Invincibility. There were big winners and big-time losers. And there was even some wicked, but in the end it was Heather who crossed the finish line and double-crossed Lindsay by destroying her bike and their alliance, proving Heather really is a backstabbing user who'll do anything to win. Lindsay ultimately lost the race and the challenge, which meant goodbye to Lindsay and her luxury luggage. Who will be the next winner? Who will be the next loser? Who will renew my contract for next season? All these mind-probing questions revealed on this episode of Total Drama Island.

3rd Pov

We see the Campers watching a Horror movie.

Izzy: He's coming out of the woods with a big, hacking chainsaw

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Izzy: He's coming out of the woods with a big, hacking chainsaw. That's so cool.

Geoff: Oh no! Psycho killer man's going for the car.

Leshawna: Yo, fool couple, stop making out and start the car.

Izzy: They're gonna be chain saw sushi. *Laughing*

Movie: *Woman screaming*

Geoff: Now the car won't start.

Dj: Oh, man, I hate scary movies.

Izzy: Run! The psycho's gonna get ya.

Dj: *Gasps*

The poor big lovable guy hides behind his log seat. Diana looks down at him with a "Really" look.

Gwen: Here comes the blood fest.

Movie: *Chainsaw Revving*

Everyone: *Gasps*

Gwen: Yeah, right on.

Izzy: Aw, the chain saw psycho's going back to the woods. He's getting away. Yah! Good ending. Izzy loves scary movies.

She then randomly jumps onto Y/n's lap and wraps her arms around his neck. Y/n has a confused look on his face. He looks over to the guys to see Geoff and Dj giving him a thumbs up.

The Movie finally ends.

Dj: Whoo! Am I ever glad that's over. I really hate scary movies.

Diana: Oh, yeah. What scares you most? The part where everyone meets a grisly death or the psycho killer with a HOOK! *Pulls out a hook*

Dj: *Screaming*

Everyone starts laughing at Dj.

Gwen: Aw, come on, Dj, for a slasher flick, it was pretty tame.

Diana: Yeah, there was hardly any hacking. Not like "Bloodbath 2: Summer Camp Reign Of Terror."

Gwen: No way. That's my favorite movie. I love when the killer jams that guy's hand into the lawn mower.

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