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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island, The twelve surviving Campers were put through Master Chief Hatchet's brutal boot camp. Diana was the first to be sent to the brig by major harshness for disorderly conduct. Shocker. But what was a surprise was Y/n getting injured during the course. His team really needed him for that last challenge. Gwen won her stripes for the Gophers. And the Bass smelt something fishy when Courtney was suddenly voted off. Confession cam revealed that it was Harold who tampered with the votes to get back at Diana for torturing him, which seems a bit unfair....But we found that we are missing two minutes of taping from the Confessional.... It's probably nothing. This week the Campers are pushed to the X-treme! Who will crack under the pressure? Find out right now on Total Drama Island.

Y/n's Pov

I'm laying down listening to music.

Plane engine roaring

Y/n: Damn this guy.

I put on my regular clothes and walk out. I see everyone running away from the plane that Chris is in. Chris then proceeds to hit one of the outhouses. It breaks and reveals a bear holding marshmallows.

Chris: *lands the plane.* Just flexing your muscles for today's *Pulls out megaphone* X-TREME SPORTS CHALLENGE!

Gwen: Uh, it's too early for this.

Chris: This week you'll participate in three challenges. First up, *Megaphone* X-TREME SOFA BED SKYDIVING! Contestants will plummet-- uh--

The door slides open to show Chef fully geared in a soldier outfit.

Chris: Skydive to awaiting sofa bed target below.

There's an old beaten up sofa bed in front of Chef. He then proceeds to jump out of the plane. Once his body hit the sofa bed, the bed shuts on him.

Chef: Mmmm!

Chris: Of course, you'll be skydiving from five thousand feet and using these.

He throws out two parachutes that are in very poor conditions.

Everyone: *Gasps*

Chris: Our lucky contestants are Trent and Dj.

Trent: Sure. Why not? *Looks at Dj* You know, what they say on Black Comb Mountain, bro? Best glimpse of Haven's on the way into Hell. Let's do this.

The camera pans to me and I just look at it....

Dj: Yeah. Ugh. Sure. Bring it on.

Chris: Not so fast, because, the second challenge of the day is *Megaphone* X-TREME RODEO MOOSE RIDING! Contestant will rodeo ride the great Canadian Bucking Moose for 8 seconds or get hoofed into a giant pile of socks from the lost and found.

Leshawna: That's stink pile ain't nothing but laundry day back home.

Chris: It's your lucky day, Leshawna. You're riding for Gophers and Geoff, you'll ride for Bass.

Geoff: Yea!

Chris: *Megaphone* And the final Challenge-- X-TREME SEADOO WATER SKIING!

Chris: *Megaphone* And the final Challenge-- X-TREME SEADOO WATER SKIING!

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