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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island. An escaped psycho killer terrorized our Campers with his meat-mangling hook and mega-murderous chainsaw. There was a large amount of screaming, especially considering the whole thing was really just an elaborate punk. Ooh-ooh-ooh. I love this part. Diana was the only one to psych out the psycho, but ultimate victory went to Y/n, who somehow ended up in the kitchen with Gwen and the actual psycho, which left Dj the chicken-heart to float the loser boat home. Only eight Campers remain. Who will win? Who will lose? Find out on this episode of Total Drama Island. 

Y/n's Pov

Right now, the eight of us are currently walking to the Mess Hall.

Y/n: *To Izzy* So how was your sleep, Izzy?

She turns around and gives me this death glare.

She turns around and gives me this death glare

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Izzy: Oh I slept just fine. In fact, I wasn't waken by A PSYCHO HOCKY MASKED KILLER!


Izzy: So yeah, I slept fine. *Smiles*

Y/n: I'm glad that you did-


Gwen: *Walks up* Wasn't Y/n just behind you?

Y/n: I'm up here.

They look up to see me hanging upside down by my foot.

A wooden cage then falls and traps them.

Chris: *Walks up* Good morning, Campers! Or should I say trappers? Ready for today's challenge? Excellent. Then let's chat about it over chow, shall we? *Walks off*

Y/n: Aren't you forgetting something?

A knife then comes flying at me and cut the rope. I land on my back on top of the cage. The cage door opens.


Mess Hall

Chris: Campers, there are only eight of you left on Total Drama Island. After tonight's dramatic bonfire ceremony, only seven of you will remain. we're nearing the end, people, so look alive. Today's challenge involves making like our province's great rangers and game wardens. You'll each have 8 hours to trap an animal. 

Diana: Got one! *Raises Y/n's hand*

Chris: A wild animal.

Diana: He's wild~

Chris: Anywho, which you must bring back to the campfire, unharmed. Rangers and game wardens often have to relocate animals for their own good and the good of Campers. 

Gwen: For my good, I might have to barbecue my animal. I'm starving to death.

Y/n: Same here, I can't be eating this paste. *Holds his bowl*

Chris: Funny you mention that you two. Reward for winning today's challenge is a meal of all of your favorite foods. 

Heather: *Pushes her bowl away* I am so winning. 

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