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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island. In a challenge of Hide-And-Seek, Campers had to avoid Capture by Chef "It" or join his guerilla tactics to tag fellow Campers. Some had weak hiding spots, while others won Invincibility. Meanwhile, Diana convince the guys to join her alliance. Even without lovesick Geoff's help, the guys banished Bridgette. So it was Geoff who paid a hefty price for staying loyal to his crush. Man, that stinks, Geoff, and so did she. Will Diana and the guys ever trust Geoff again? Will the Girls form an Alliance? Will I be stuck hosting reality TV for the rest of my life? Find out on this Episode of Total Drama Island.

3rd Pov

We see the Campers playing catch with a frisbee.

Y/n: Yo Dj, think fast.

As he threw the frisbee, a loud cry can be herd. Everyone turns to the direction where the sound is coming from. The frisbee hit the back of Dj's head.

Geoff: *Wailing*

Leshawna: Ooh, sounds like Geoff's having a hard time accepting Bridgette's been kicked off, huh?

Diana: Yeah. He's so weak.

Geoff: *Confessional* 🎵 Baby, come back, any kind of fool can see🎵 And s-something, something. 🎵About you. Hey, Bridge sending out mutual love to wherever it is that the Boat Of Losers takes you.🎵

Diana: Um, we better go check on him.

Eva: Wait. What about our game?!

And with that the guys and Diana went to go check on Geoff.

Gwen: Check on him? Since when did she start having feelings?

Heather: Since they started up their guys' alliance. Diana's no fool. She needs Geoff's vote to stay in it.

Lindsay: Hey, maybe we should try forming a girls' alliance again *Gets hit with a fly swatter* or not.


Y/n's Pov

We walk up to the confessional to see Geoff getting out.

Diana: Look, man. Voting Bridgette off was just a strategic move. If our Alliance stands strong, we can win this. So are you in?

Geoff: I don't know, man. Going on without Bridge is like- *Sniffs* Oh, is that bacon? Ah, man! Did I miss breakfast?

He runs to the Mess Hall.

Diana: I think Geoff's in.

Chris: *PA System* Morning, Campers. Your next challenge awaits you at the arts and crafts center.


A&C Center

Chris: Welcome to the arts and crafts center.

Diana: More like the arts and junk center.



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