An Echo Of Vastness

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I continuously gaze into the profundities of such divineness. An expanse I can never be over with. But yet, a sense of overwhelming wonder overcomes me, and I cannot help or wish to stare, and hope to look away simultaneously. The vastness lengthens along the riverbend, beyond comprehension, its boundaries neverending.

In such depth, endless skies, endless stars, endless canvases just waiting to be painted on by your vast hand. With every stroke, a birth of a new idea, a new meaning; a new everything.

It is quite chaotic, considering your vastness. But it is consoling at the same time.

I'm noticing a lot of you is at the same time.

I desire to gaze at your testament, design, and sublime beauty for all eternity. This vastness has brought me comfort, time, and appreciation. The distant stars sprouted new sentiments, and the blue skies brought me hope in such disparity.

I call out, and all I get as a response is an echo.

An echo of vastness.

An echo that I could hear over and over, and never become unraveled, never become weary, never become aggravated.

Because that vastness saved me.

Saved my life.

Saved her life.

And proved my appreciation.

Compared to your echo of vastness, I am nothing but my own name. My own insignificance. But I cannot help but be filled with your gratitude, your splendor, your wonder.

It was in those darkest moments of mine, that the most miniscule of moments became the endless vastness of time.

It was in those lightest moments that I determined your name. I remembered what brought me here, and I remember everything I needed to remember to be writing this today. Writing at this very moment.




And I cannot help but be more enamored.

- Thank you,
For everything.

The Echoes Of
My Vast Mind

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