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"Yes Phillip I understand but you need to realize we are not the same" I inform my brother while he tries to shove a girlfriend down my throat "I'm not allowed to have relationships." I say once again "Henry the public is gonna start thinking you're gay- can't have that" he chuckles and I stand up

"I am done with this conversation" I storm off to my room that is two stories up the stairs

I'm next in line for the crown after Phillip, our grandfather is sick and my father passed away four years ago. My mother has gone away and we haven't heard from her

"Hen can I come in" my younger sisters voice is heard from the other side of my room "yes, come in" I'm laying in my bed with my head propped up against my headboard, she sits next to me "I'm worried about you" I shake my head "and the reason for that is?" She sighs

"Well I have some news" I nod for her to continue "well Phillips wedding is tomorrow and so that means there's gonna be a lot of people from around the world... and um Alex Claremont-Diaz is coming" I groan

"Are you bloody serious?" She nods "I hate that prick- he's always so loud and obnoxious and- I just don't like him" she pats my shoulder "well maybe just smile and make a conversation or two, it wouldn't kill ya" I roll my eyes "Hen please.. I know you don't like him for whatever reason but he's the hottest guy in America and- well you're my brother so I don't think you're hot but the whole world does" I nod

"Fine. But don't expect me to be sorry for-" she rolls her eyes

"Trust me, I know. You're never sorry"

Okok I know it's short but it's just a start for many more chapters to come. Hope you enjoy

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